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My dog is going blind

  1. #1
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    And I feel really bad about it. All he does is wait to go outside to sit in the sun, and coming back inside the house for a treat.

    What do I do to improve his life? No one wants to be blind. I wish I could take his illness away.

    Fucking cataracts

    And I feel bad sometimes because I think it's partly because of the cigarette smoke in the house.
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mashlehash And I feel really bad about it. All he does is wait to go outside to sit in the sun, and coming back inside the house for a treat.

    What do I do to improve his life? No one wants to be blind. I wish I could take his illness away.

    Fucking cataracts

    And I feel bad sometimes because I think it's partly because of the cigarette smoke in the house.

    well you could start smoking outside if you feel thats partly the cause. I'm guessing he's an old dog anyways? Have a pic of your dog?
  3. #3
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    No picture but maybe I'll take one later. It started in one eye and now it is in the other eye as well.

    Yeah I try to smoke outside because he barks at me sometimes when I smoke inside.

    I can't imagine the detrimental mental effect it could have on anyone who is going blind.

    I tested to see how blind he was. He was down the hall and I held up a treat and he didn't even see it. I have to put it to his nose for him to realize it's a treat.

    Sad, really.
  4. #4
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    That really shows through to your humor.

    You don't have a good sense of humor. Other than getting your dick sucked on cam.
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