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how long do STDs take to show?

  1. #41
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    ok, just got back from the docs, its all good. he took one look and said 'you just got a bit of thrush, that's all', then give me some cream, lol.

  2. #42
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    that was good to hear tbh. i went for a shower this morning and noticed little bits of shedded skin under there so it had defo got worse overnight. started to think the worst tbh.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #43
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    That's the best. I know that feel.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #44
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 That is the main concern, yes. Garlic bread is another big contender. Seriously though, go to a doctor as soon as possible. I once had a yeast infection for like 6 months dude. You do not want to deal with that. I had to order fluconazole (oral antifungal) from Indonesia because my doctor wouldn't prescribe it and just kept trying to give me cream because he knew nothing about serious yeast infections. It was gone within 5 days, but my god was that hell. Itchy nuts 24/7. I tried all sorts of weird shit for it which I won't get into detail about here.

    See a doctor before you end up with 6 months of itchy dick like I did.

    you was spot on the money little man. he give me this miconazole/hydrocortisone cream to clear it up. is that what the doc gave you? i think its called oravig in the US, according to wiki.

  5. #45
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    that's interesting, it says on the label

    do not use if you are using a barrier method of contraception, this includes condoms as daktarin can damage the latex.

    so if some dumb bitch does insist on making you wear a condom just slip some of this stuff in there and let it split. lol.

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol you had a yeast infection? thats a womans malady, but makes since considering you're a big pussy

    No it's not. You obviously don't even know what a yeast infection is lol.
  7. #47
    Originally posted by NARCassist you was spot on the money little man. he give me this miconazole/hydrocortisone cream to clear it up. is that what the doc gave you? i think its called oravig in the US, according to wiki.


    Yeah, what's the % on it? Miconazole didn't work for me but I was months deep in that shit. It will probably work for you if you're counting in days or weeks rather than months. I spent way too long ignoring it.

    When I was really desperate and frustrated I poured isopropyl on my scarred dick. I read about some success stories online and I was desperate. What I didn't consider was the fact that my dick was covered in lots of microscopic wounds. One of the most painful things my manhood has ever experienced. I jumped directly in the shower but it took like 3 minutes to make the burning stop. I've been on fire and it hurt less.
  8. #48
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    box says 2%/1%. doc said it should be all cleared in a week max. but its only been 2 days since it started tho.

  9. #49
    Really? I think I got like 8% or something when I went. You can get 2% miconazole OTC here. A week is good. If it doesn't clear up in a week or two though you definitely got some STDs. Unless you got tested. Did you get tested?
  10. #50
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Really? I think I got like 8% or something when I went. You can get 2% miconazole OTC here. A week is good. If it doesn't clear up in a week or two though you definitely got some STDs. Unless you got tested. Did you get tested?

    nothing mentioned on wiki about 8%

    Brand names and formulations
    Vaginal miconazole 20 mg/g - Brazil

    Oral treatment: (brands: Daktarin in UK)

    Oral gel 24 mg/ml (20 mg/g)
    Oravig 50 mg once daily buccal tablet:

    In 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Oravig (miconazole) buccal tablets once daily for the local treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis, more commonly known as thrush, in adults and children age 16 and older. Oravig is the only local, oral prescription formulation of miconazole approved for this use in the U.S.[citation needed]

    External skin treatment: (brands: Desenex and Zeasorb in US and Canada, Micatin, Monistat-Derm, Daktarin in India, UK, Australia, Belgium and the Philippines, Daktar in Norway, Fungidal in Bangladesh, Decocort in Malaysia)

    Topical cream: 2%
    Combination: hydrocortisone/miconazole cream with 1% and 2%, respectively (Daktacort in UK, Daktodor in Greece)
    Dusting powder: 2% powder with chlorhexidine hydrochloride (mycoDust)

    Vaginal treatment: (brands: Miconazex, Monistat, Femizol or Gyno-Daktarin in UK)

    Pessaries: 200 or 100 mg
    Vaginal cream: 2% (7-day treatment), 4% (3-day treatment)
    Combination: 2% cream with either 100 or 200 mg

    i'll see how this stuff goes and go back if it don't work.

    he gave me number for sexual health clinic, he just said if i feel i need it to call and arrange an appointment. he didn't seem at all concerned too much about telling me i should go tho, even after i told him my girl was intravenous drug user who's currently in rehab. i'll give it till next week.

  11. #51
    You should have told him she was a prostitute. He would have been more concerned.
  12. #52
    Does she use protection with her clients?
  13. #53
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Does she use protection with her clients?

    yes she does.

  14. #54
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I'll use protection with your mother.
  15. #55
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mashlehash I'll use protection with your mother.

    i would if i was you, she's been dead 7 years now.

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