Well niggas its time to come to terms with it. I have felt this way for a long time but didnt want to accept it but its become so overwhelming recently that I cant bury it anymore. I have chosen to identify as a Trans-Russian. I know what you are thinking "Americans cant be Russian!" but I dont identify with American culture at all but when I listen to the Red Army Choir, or watch Russian ballet, or listen to Putin address his people I feel so complete. Like I belong.
I dont know what to do guise. Nobody is respecting my trans Russian identity. They tell me to stop speaking in a thick Russian accent because they "cant understand what the fuck I am saying". They laugh when I wear my ushanka. Its a fucking cultural piece of attire and I cant believe people dont respect that.
I guess what I am saying is that, its hard to be an individual that identifies as trans-national because people have this preconception that you cant be another nationality than the one society places you in upon birth. Its fucked up fam.