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What would life be like with a world government?

  1. #1
    Would it be better if we had no invisible lines dividing every country? Will this ever be feasible? Once we find planets with alien life we're going to have to work together as a single unit if we want to have any chance at competition. Imagine how much the rate of scientific innovation would increase if all of the world collaborated on it's achievements in a connected network.
  2. #2
    I think we'd have to nuke a few places though..
  3. #3
    It would be just like it is now except we would get paid in coupons instead of money.
  4. #4
    constant Headache, Hair falling out, hunger/thirst, no hygene, stress, never sleep. Computer viruses are real diseases and can make you sick. (its actually aliens) Constant noise and light pollution. Always a promise of "But the robots are fixing it", but they need your help. Plants are dying but modified to look like they are evolving. Trees stop working. double chloroplast swelling envelope cell walls. Plants stop producing starch. Plants that dont work vs plants (weeds) that work too well. Coffee is worth more than gold. All meat is cloned. NEWS is the chopping channel. Pet food is a preffered alternative to any other food and is made on purpose to be eaten by humans. PROFIT= PROPHET. 24 package of cable costs 11.99 and it's always set to auto renew on a debit system. Everything has a screen. Chocolate doesnt exist. Popup ads on everything (phone, tv, ATM). Fundamentals of math are altered to create confusion and havok (4.020 = 5). Lots of wind during a sunrise (factorys releasing exhaust creates storms, made to look like global warming). Brand names replace english. The pope is president of the USA.

    I can see the future on meth.
  5. #5
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Yeah I was actually wondering about this last night. I think it would probably be a mess.
    But yeah, you're right about the pop up ads. Phillip k dick predicted mass amounts of holographic pop up ads while you're drive through space, back in the 60's

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