2017-09-08 at 1:36 PM UTC
Who said pole shifts
is it google being dickheads or is there a real pole shift.
on TV they're saying Direct TV is all effed up.. but there is nothing wrong with the weather to do so (No storm)
this is how they will suprize all of us.. and google is involved. run for the hills!
2017-09-08 at 5:59 PM UTC
I don't know.. I don't follow the HAARP Pole Shift thing.
I would of years ago but being young with some idle time lets you read lots of UFO and conspiracy shit that kind of gets you deeper into these stories which didn't seem to help me in anyway. I could write a fucking book on all the shit I read but there is a million others already out there.
Maybe it's the elite who want to shut everything down while they run off with their riches to some exotic island :|