2017-09-07 at 10:53 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I was having a waking Dream from carisoprodol
Tort was telling me I had sars so I flexed up,ready to hit him as hard as I could.
But when I was going to hit him and then I realized he wasn't even there so I popped two more somas and here I am.
Weird how medication can work
I was ready to hit the mother fucker and call it like it be
Has anybody ever had similar experiences with Soma where you get waking dreams and you realize that the person you were talking to wasn't even there?
You told me to hit him hard on the shoulder and so I got up out of my sleep and then I realized he wasn't even here.
The best part was that it was
Op35 inside a sildenafil bottle
It was a fucking weird waking dream because I I was going to head toward in the shoulder and he wasn't even here
Has anybody had any sort of experiences with Soma?