2017-09-01 at 9:50 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I really don't know if this is the right forum for this.
Either here or SG.
But where did the term, "Oh Brother" come from?
Does anyone have any idea?
2017-09-01 at 10:01 PM UTC
i think somebody who just happened to have a male sibling said it once
2017-09-01 at 10:06 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
It's weird how phrases get started
2017-09-01 at 10:08 PM UTC
weren't it some shakespear shit like 'oh brother, where art tho' or summing?
2017-09-01 at 10:17 PM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
Hey, you might be right.
I can totally see it being coined in that sort of way.