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No Really, You Have teh AIDS

  1. #1
    for over 20 years, HIV commercials and or giant billboards havn't existed. I mean every fucking day, of every fucking hour of that day and maybe twice.. AIDS commercials on tv.

    over and over. Before there was a fucking cure.. In your face (And just in time for my 17-18 years of youth.. the HIV virus spread from being Gay Cancer from Bath Houses (81?) to shitloads of straight people getting it. Rarely did Lesbians transfer it to each other.

    so 20 years goes by, and now It's starting up again. What the fucking hell has AIDS been doing for 20 fucking years? did the magical HIV3 Wand I began tilting on you guys become a public show.. and no I, Have restarted the Fear of AIDS? GOOD. you spoiled fucking kids with your got damn tinder/slide/hookup. HELLO AIDS DIDT GO AWAY

    Now it's like treating diabetus. but that shit isn't curable. When it first came out.. and a good 10 years afterwards.. that was a fucking death sentence .. I think the system wants to start a newer strain of it that wont be so easy to find meds for.

    The Illuminati only put the aids fear into the closet for a few decades but its not going away
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yeah I don't get the whole "undetectable viral load" hiv victims go on about if its undetectable how was it detected in the first place? But I guess I don't understand how the medicine works and if it does lower it to the point to where its "undetectable"

    Theres a lot of what I believe is sjw propaganda about how its ignorant to not want to have sex with someone that hiv positive.

    But on that note bill the cat is black cock bug chaser.

  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    And totse2001 I think hiv is still mainly a gay/needle user disease. I've never heard about a straight guy getting it unless they were needle users that did unsafe needle practices.
  4. #4
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    aids don't scare me

  5. #5
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    a pal asked me once 'how could you deal with an ex gf calling you up and telling you she got hiv?'. i siad to him 'the trick is, to always act surprised.'

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