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I wish I had psychosis sometimes.

  1. #1
    Something like truman show delusion. That would be kinda neat to beleive that peole in your life are actors/your life is some kinda big setup. Eirher that, or be sane like I am now but experience "glitches in the matrix" every once in a while.

  2. #2
    I've experienced week long episodes of delusions and amphetamine phychosis from not sleeping or eating and just smoking waaay too much non stop.

    I could have easily killed someone if they threatened me in any way, I always had a knife on me and I was in fight or flight mode for a solid 48 hours where I nearly set my house ablaze with a jug of isoproyl because I thought shadows were trying to bum rush me.

    I can understand how sick people get caught up in such crazy shit, it seems so real at the time. When you hallucinations start talking to you and you can't tell if it's real or not so you just go with it..
  3. #3
    It's kinda not that great, really but if you want to experience it do MDPV for about a week and there you go buddy.
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^mdpv sucks, do meth instead
  5. #5
    Cut two lines, one of meth one of MDPV and blow in each nostril at the same time and die of cardiac arrest.
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, you really, really don't. If you recall, i posted on zoklet about going on a three month MDPV binge. At some point i tried to burn the house down to get the shadow people out of the walls. I'd see eyes staring at me in the dark. The worst is, you don't even realize you're having a psychosis, no matter how preposterous the hallucinations get.
  7. #7
    I have a hopefully transient psychosis from constant bundy abuse, I can't go outside without thinking ima get killed
  8. #8
    No, you really, really don't. If you recall, i posted on zoklet about going on a three month MDPV binge. At some point i tried to burn the house down to get the shadow people out of the walls. I'd see eyes staring at me in the dark. The worst is, you don't even realize you're having a psychosis, no matter how preposterous the hallucinations get.
    Do you have any desire to repeat the experience?. I know I do, I don't think I can die happy until I have one more freakout like this.. It's like being in a real life horror movie.

    Sploo, it sounds like you have HPPD which is possible if you were taking grams of bundy over a few years. Tell a doctor you might get EVEN MORE DRUGS!!!!!!
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you have any desire to repeat the experience?.

    No thanks.
  10. #10
    Is it possible to get like this off of prescription amphetamines like vyvanse?
  11. #11
    Is it possible to get like this off of prescription amphetamines like vyvanse?

    I've seen it done with Adderall
  12. #12
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    You should really watch the scenes with Sara Goldfarb in Requiem for a Dream to get a better idea of what psychosis is really like.
  13. #13
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    eat a box of scopolomine motion sickness pills

    actually no don't, it sucked. it was all talking to the kid behind the fridge and writing off my car
  14. #14
    Dissociator African Astronaut
    Something like truman show delusion. That would be kinda neat to beleive that peole in your life are actors/your life is some kinda big setup. Eirher that, or be sane like I am now but experience "glitches in the matrix" every once in a while.

    I had the truman show delusion on wellbutrin, the first time I was prescribed it (taking as medicine not as deadbeat high). Thought cameras were everywhere, thought everything was like artificial and shit. Was fun.
  15. #15
    eat a box of scopolomine motion sickness pills

    actually no don't, it sucked. it was all talking to the kid behind the fridge and writing off my car

    I've been trying to get my hands on this stuff for 6 years now. James Holmes the Aurora, Colorado shooter was tripping on it when he did his attack.

  16. #16
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    should be easy. it's usually labeled hyoscine, mine was the hydrobromide salt.
  17. #17
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    LOL. "The Devil's Breath." I remember you fucks talking about that before. Blowing it into someone's face and making them empty their bank account. Hahahaha.
  18. #18
    Here's a trip report from scoplamine

    [FONT=arial]They took me upstairs the 3rd day to a medical unit. I thought I had a long sword stuck down my pant leg. I was walking with a stiff leg and the cops kept asking why I was walking funny. Over the next 12 hours my toilet was singing do-wop, my towel was Popeye’s kid Sweetpea swinging around the bars, and I was stuck in a standoff between the Hells Angeles and the Black Panthers. I must have killed a dozen men with my sword.
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