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pc game thread

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Just wanting to see what pc games you guys like. I mainly like hack n slash / arcade style games and I also like 3d shooters, but I haven't really played a new 3d shooter that I like like the older ones... quake, doom, halo, unreal..

    I downloaded hotline miami a few weeks back and I like it a lot. I'm also interested in this game brigador, it looks up my alley, not sure If I'm going to get it or not yet, but they just finished its development. I also like r-type style games

  2. #2
    I might finally get hotline miami.

    I'm currently playing:

    gta vice city, postal 2, la noire, and everything on the htc vive.
  3. #3
    Hey Bill Krozby, how long do you need to be Hotline Miami?
  4. #4
    I have a shit ass laptop so I can't play much.

    Dwarf fortress, space station 13, crusader kings, Simcity 4, Civ 3, stranded II, Fallout 1/2, pandemic 2, emulator games, Sid Miers Pirates, Sim Tower (Donald trump: the game).

    I'm pretty bored of all vidya. I'm designing a Bill Krozbydog stand simulator so I'm playing lots of "tycoon" games lately.
  5. #5
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    and everything on the htc vive.

    How is it for you? I'd love to see a mini review.
  6. #6
    How is it for you? I'd love to see a mini review.

    Here's a selling point. Sometimes when I don't go outside between when I wake up and when I fall asleep, I feel like I've wasted the day. But ever since using the vive, it actually feels like I'm leaving the house and doing something.

    My least favorite thing about it is a lot of the games and things available are so gimmicky. Like audiosurf is the most popular thing available, and it's just this fuckin' simplified version of guitar hero. But people are fucking in love with it. It's the equivalent to when the wii came out, and everyone was obsessed with wii sports. Wii sports was fucking shit!

    You see videos online of fucking whore cunts and pussy men being scared in horror games. I've never been scared, but I've been startled. For any sane, normal person, you're not going to be screaming and yelling "GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!!!" or running into walls. FUCK I HATE WOMEN.

    Umm what else... oh yeah, porn sucks because they're not programs, only videos, so the women are giant and you can't actually walk around them.

    One of the best games I've played so far is windlands. It feels fun as fuck, jumping and flying around.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^uh oh we got a bad boi, here!
  8. #8
  9. #9
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I've been playing EYE - Divine Cybermancy a lot lately, honestly think a fair few of you guys would like it.

    short description: if Deus Ex was French and forgot to take it's seroquel.

    longer: cyberpunk source FPS/RPG with broken, but understandable english. massive levels with lots of secret areas and missions that reward and rely on exploration. weird cyberpunk vs spacemarines aesthetic. a lot of ideas taken from Ghost in the Shell too - you can hack turrets, people, doors etc, and if you fail they have a chance to hack you back and ruin your day (it's entirely possible to try to hack a door, fail, then have it hack you back, fuck up your vision and break your legs).

    storyline makes zero sense unless you make the effort to run through the multiple endings and talk to everyone you can.

    it's got the traditional RPG stats like strength, agility, accuracy etc. where you can move faster with bigger guns, aim more precisely etc as you level up by killing things and completing missions, but it's also got a few/lot other areas you can develop your character as well:

    bionics: you can use the money you collect during/for completing missions to upgrade somethhing like 10 different parts of your body - upgrading legs lets you run fast, move quieter and jump higher, upgrading your adrenal gland lets you sprint longer and regenerate faster, upgrading your chest cavity/ribcage gives you more chest armor and more resistance to toxic air etc.

    cybernetics: you can purchase a cloak package which is a lot like the thermoptics in GITS, special vision modules that help see in the dark, sonar modules that let you see through walls etc]

    psionics: when you start out, your psi powers are pretty much limited to throwing barrels around with your mind and melting ammo and stuff into health, but as you level up your base powers get stronger to the point where you're throwing buses around to crush bandits and teleporting INSIDE people across the map and exploding them from within

    oh yeah, aside from the standard weapons like pistols, battle rifles and sniper rifles you've got a minigun, a fully-automatic grenade launcher, a sword that vaporises people and a hammer that triggers micro nuclear explosions

    the only real downside is that after a certain point it's very grindy, you've got to kill a lot of people to get research items to unlock a lot of the cooler stuff, and to make enough money to upgrade your bionics past say, level 3, you'll need to start replaying levels at max difficulty. and there really aren't that many.
  10. #10
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey Bill Krozby, how long do you need to be Hotline Miami?

    as long as it takes fam, as long as it takes.
  11. #11
    3 hour game of SS13.

    Started as the Chef with the job of traitor. My mission is to kill some asshole named "Orlando Olsteen", steal a jumpsuit and escape alive.

    First things I buy are a hacking tool to open doors and a tracking device to find Orlando. I got the jumpsuit and learned Orlando is working right across from me so I trash the tracker.

    I try to corner this fucker Orlando but he's all over the place working actually doing his job, what an asshole. So I decide to fuck up his work area. I hit up the hydroponic gardens and grow 1000 bananas, cook some bread and cake and proceed to gorge myself on banana and save up all those slippery peels to trip Orlando on his ass and I keep a chefs knife in my pocket to quickly kill the fucker once he's on the ground.

    He is off mining an asteroid so I'm waiting around and trashing his office with banana peels. The bartender is bored as fuck and wants to make me a drink so I order a beer and chug 7 whiskey colas. I drunkenly admit to the barkeep that I'm an undercover spy sent to wreak havok on the station and murder Orlando but I'm slurring so much he has no clue what I'm even saying. Then I pass out from too much booze with a bunch of illegal shit on me.

    The bartender keeps trying to drag me to medbay but they will strip me and find all my killing tools so I ditch him while puking blood stumbling through the halls.

    I say "fuck this" and order up a big bottle of poison and cook a cheeseburger for Orlando and deliver it to him personally. He goes down and I'm ready to declare victory.

    Then I'm derping around medbay making sure he's dead for sure and he comes outta nowhere, looks at me and says "papa ain't to happy someone poisoned his burger".

    So I ordered some remote bombs that blow up PDAs to attempt to knock him out and stab him to death. Hit the detonate button 3 times but he turned his PDA off so I just blew up 3 randoms.

    The explosions freaked everyone out so they called the shuttle. Me, a doctor and Orlando were making our way to the shuttle when I had another "fuck it" moment and decided to murder this bastard. I bought an energy sword with my last funds and chopped Orlando's head off, the doctor freaked out and reported me over the intercom "OH FUCK THE CHEF HAS AN E SWORD AND LOST IT! BOLT THE DOORS!."

    Turns out the doctor was an alien shape shifter and he stabbed me with his paralyze stinger tentacle power and choked me to death. They brought my body on the escape shuttle and a clueless medic almost revived me at the last second, I would have won the round if he did.

  12. #12
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    That's a pretty funny scenario.
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