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I can't get over how fucked my beard is.

  1. #1
    That stupid cunt barber. I'm considering just shaving it all off and starting again.
  2. #2
    Unless your rich, or its your culture, going to a barber for your beard seems kinda metro.
  3. #3
    Unless your rich, or its your culture, going to a barber for your beard seems kinda metro.

    I went there for my hair and asked to touch up my beard when I was there.

    My hair's fucked too btw.
  4. #4
    oh thats right the other thread about that too lol. My haircuts always look gay for the first couple weeks til it comes in.
  5. #5
    ASE. always shave everything.
  6. #6
    Post pics or all this complaining about your haircut will be worthless
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