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all I wanna see is 1080p

  1. #1
    but reality wants me to go 4320

    I like my good 'ole 1080
    when done right, meaning the content is rendered in that resolution then it looks great and perfectly fine
    there is a point in media that once you get too far towards "realism" (60fps, 8k) then it loses its cinematic "magic".
    this is why 24fps is the greatest framerate for film and 1080p is the perfect threshold for high resolution

    you know what else?

    What happened to 3D movies?
    I was rewatching the squareenix DEHR cinematic trailer again today and while watching it I wondered why haven't they attempted to make a full length DE CG movie?
    The tech is ifnally there to achieve high quality CG.
    We don't need to make animation appear to be just like the fleshnet, that would be gross and boring, there is a quality to video game-like CG that gives it more of an aesthetic

    checking (((amazon))) it looks like they're starting to phase off 1080p tvs too ;_: orz (XO_______O;X) whn I checked for OLED tvs all that showed up were 4k displays ;_:
    there will come a time when you won't even be able to buy a new physical tv, everyone will have moved on to HMDs.
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