The reason it's such a great account is because its the polar opposite of ENTER
its EXIT man
and the bloody picture is IN THROUGH THE OUT DOOR - LED ZEPPELIN
holy fuck buy this account or you lose it forever - BIG MONEY!!!!!!!! BIG PRIZES!!!! SELL IT TO ENTER FOR $500!!!!!!! HE WILL BEG YOU WHEN REGS ARE CLOSED AND LANNY IS PASSED OWT!!!!
Thats what I do man I work for a massive corporate entity at the cheese factory.
My workload consists of; computer work (inventory), printing labels, copying documents, writing email and order picking/packing shipping & receiving.
I just keep people happy and build social networking relationships and chat with people all day. Sometimes I can go the entire day not saying a word to anyone I just stay busy and maybe talk with the girls a bit.
Easiest job I ever had in my life, the hardest part is showing up.
Please take my soul remove me from this dimension. There is sweat dripping down like a faucet from every limb as I type this and I feel wvmaves of extreme hot/cold and intense urge to shit liquid and vomit.