Schizophrenic "symptoms" are always so specific and if you're not an idiot you can tell this is the government trying to cover their tracks. Most of these "symptoms" are the cause of gaslighting, stalking, energy weapons (they can control your immune system using radio waves and even create sounds in your head) etc etc
also drugs and anxiety can cause hallucinations and with the millions all hooked on their morning caffeine, who are always working hard in an overextended society that is fueled by overstimulation and sensory overload .. well it's easy to see how people could mimick signs of psychosis
also this quiz is so fucking retarded as with all these symptoms
now any asshole is going to see this and think they have schizophrenia just like how they take the trannie quiz or the autism quiz then rush to the nearest pharma I bet big pharma makes these in the hopes of fooling people into getting on their drugs ...
Lemme tell you, real psychosis has nothing to do with mystical thinking or foolishness, it's when your brain makes you think donkey kong smells like 1950 ... your mind is in a stupor and nothing makes sense
waiting for tumblr "I have schizophrenia" fad to commence in 1 .... 2 .....
I was experiencing something similar, after doing some research I found that if you are exposed to prolonged states of anxiety for a long period of time your brain can become hyper sensitive and start finding connections in things.
also I heard a voice earlier ... must have just been the ganja because I never hallucinate like that sober (not that I would know I haven't been sober in years)
I thought my okaa said something to me but apparently not ... odd