2017-07-14 at 11:15 PM UTC
A while ago I went to the lake and I don't really know how but I ended up with this scab on my elbow, now I can't stop picking it. I always do this. I'll have a perfectly good scab, the pain is gone and it's clean and all I have to do is wait a couple more days and it will just fall off, but instead, I pick at it incessantly until bloody chunks of flesh are stuck under my fingernails, the scab hurts again, and it takes longer to heal.
2017-07-14 at 11:38 PM UTC
I pick scabs off Ash (cat). It's really addicting.
I wonder why this seems to trigger OCD behavior in so many people. There could well be an evolutionary basis, but scabs are part of the healing process and are best left on. Rather strange. Maybe we only evolved to pick off what comes off easily enough, without excessive pain.
Likely also related to the natural and strong simian grooming instinct.
2017-07-15 at 12:05 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
I have some kind of small ear pimple/cyst on the top part of the ear on the cartridge and you can mainly feel it from the back but since that side of the ear is thicker i pick it on the opposite side to try and drain it, I've had it for like 5 months now.. and my ear on that part will get inflamed and hurt, but I keep doing it trying to kill it.
I probably just need to get someone to lance it for me as I can't see the back of my head where the bulk of it is.