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wtf, this may be a computer question but I'm not even sure

  1. #61
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by benny vader what are their names ???

    img names.


    Originally posted by Kinkou

    Off-site image host. Doesn't pertain to the conversation at hand.
  2. #62
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what made you not sure this was a computer question anyway? it clearly is.

  3. #63
    Jpegs retain info and occasionally do not appear as they were last saved.

    Just use my damn .png cat and everyone stfu, especially hella who has been a dickhead this entire time for no reason.
  4. #64
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet You sure about that, champ? Says sprint right there in the corner of your screen.

    Shit, I have ting, which runs off the at&t network, which I wasn't thinking of, and also they merged with sprint. You don't believe me on the macbook thing? I mean there's no reason to lie but since I can't sleep I'll take a picture of it real quick
  5. #65
  6. #66
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what kind of a faggot uses a fucking macbook anyway?

  7. #67
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by greenplastic

    Do you live in Alaska?
  8. #68
    Originally posted by Sophie Do you live in Alaska?

  9. #69
    Originally posted by NARCassist what kind of a faggot uses a fucking macbook anyway?


    I have a pc I built myself that I mostly use, the macbook is just for convenience and school
  10. #70
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by greenplastic no

    What's with your time zone then.
  11. #71
    What damn time zone you think if it's not Alaskan?
  12. #72
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i usually have mine set to east coast time.

  13. #73
    Originally posted by Sophie What's with your time zone then.

    pacific time...
  14. #74
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kinkou What damn time zone you think if it's not Alaskan?

    I don't know about that but in my time zone it's about the time for you to shut your whore mouth.
  15. #75
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sophie I don't know about that but in my time zone it's about the time for you to shut your whore mouth.

    I'll bet you wish you had that old Zoklet security blanket now, eh? Stop bullying the members, psycho. This isn't the bitching forum.
  16. #76
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by Kinkou Jpegs retain info and occasionally do not appear as they were last saved.

    Just use my damn .png cat and everyone stfu, especially hella who has been a dickhead this entire time for no reason.

    I'm not the vapid cunt who refuses to accept that perhaps there's something not right with the site that needs to be addressed. Your first 5 responses were "HURR DURR GET A MAC", and now you're starting in with the "HURR DURR USE MY PICTURE INSTEAD". Go find a different thread to shit up, the adults are talking.
  17. #77
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I'm thinking this server may interpret requests differently, depending on which OS/device is doing the requesting. Perhaps it does not respond to all requests, but only partially in some scenarios. For example, if a MAC using Chrome requests an avatar display, the server will only accept specifically formatted requests and rejects whatever it deems as superfluous.
  18. #78
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm thinking this server may interpret requests differently, depending on which OS/device is doing the requesting. Perhaps it does not respond to all requests, but only partially in some scenarios. For example, if a MAC using Chrome requests an avatar display, the server will only accept specifically formatted requests and rejects whatever it deems as superfluous.

    I don't think it's a server issue, because if you right click -> view image it shows the properly oriented image. Does nobody bother to read? This is been stated and tested SEVERAL times within the course of this thread. Every possibly issue, be it browser or device, has been exhausted. It HAS to be an issue with the forum software itself.
  19. #79
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Yeah, I read it all. But I still say there's a slim possibility the server is rendering the avatar incorrectly.
  20. #80
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet Cat.jpg

    were there ever more than one cat jpg ?
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