2017-07-10 at 3:43 AM UTC
I try to go to bed before midnight i.e. get my teeth flossed, waterpiked and brushed, do my mouthwash, change into my silk sleep boxers, turn on my white noise machine and get under the covers.
That doesn't mean I go to sleep though. I keep myself busy all day, so at night when I gear down, my body takes the slow lane and my mind starts asking for me to do stuff. Like I'll surf the web and stuff, or read a book, or just think about shit. What must it feel like to be a spider? Science says they can't think but science can't pick up qualia. Are they really just simple biological machines that are reacting to stimuli, or do they have some dialogue internally? Who knows NIGGA. Coincidentally, this is also usually when I'll ingest a marijuana edible and chill out, since they give me amazing nights of sleep.
2017-07-10 at 8:23 AM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
mai tige zleeps in teh centa of da beid
2017-07-10 at 9:04 AM UTC
when i'm tired. that varies wildly tho.