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The newest way to cruise the park for gay sex / fat nerdy desperate lesbos

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    It's pokemon go! It's hip its cool its fun! its in! It makes it seem like you're actually meeting strangers for something besides getting a dick up your ass! and plus you get to walk your stupid dog and get some sun light! plus you also have something in common with the other pokemon trainer, you both have iphones! yaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Not only are you late, but you also /threaded your own post

    You should be ashamed of yourself
  3. #3
    GoIIum Houston
    Not only are you late, but you also /threaded your own post

    You should be ashamed of yourself

    Shut up, Goober.
  4. #4
    Gay people are the easiest population of humans to kill.
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Gay people are the easiest population of humans to kill.

    I would've guessed babies

    maybe gay babies. I'll bet they haven't even seen a triangle before.
  6. #6
    and if my baby's gay I'll say [SIZE=26px]YOU GAY BABY WORK THAT CRIB!![SIZE=24px]{ LEG BAG!!!}[/SIZE][/SIZE]
  7. #7
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    make it sleep in the crib leg bag

    if it's a gay baby it'll probably like it
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