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anyone wanna do whippiets w/ me irl rn in tc?

  1. #1
  2. #2
    come in nigga
  3. #3
    we gettin ratchet in here. for some god awful reason im listening to sploos advice about combining nutmeg and 3-meo-pce and also whippits and etizolam and weed p soon too. shits about to get wild
  4. #4
    bro bring your drugs and come into tc
  5. #5
    Someday when I have a desk I'll come back to the webcam lul
  6. #6
    Originally posted by Kinkou Someday when I have a desk I'll come back to the webcam lul

    i have an old desk you can use, you just have to come pick it up and its yours!
  7. #7
    That's a damn long drive for some free shit

    Can't u send have da mail man bring me it
  8. #8
    I'd let green lock me up

    I bet he would feed me drugs after he tied me up
  9. #9
    I saw her on fb earlier today but idk beyond that

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Kinkou I'd let green lock me up

    I bet he would feed me drugs after he tied me up

    its fun
    sometimes i like to take a 500 ug lsd then tie myself up as fast as i possibly can while its kicking in
  11. #11
    Scron u have to pick it, it has to be fitting for me, U CHOOSE

    green I'll tie u up u don't even have to ask lolol
  12. #12
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I was once asked if I wanted to try a traditional "whippit"

    I turned it down as I was not sure how it would effect me. Haven't been offered since...

    Send me a (one) whippit and a (one) cracker in the mail.
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mashlehash I was once asked if I wanted to try a traditional "whippit"

    I turned it down as I was not sure how it would effect me. Haven't been offered since…

    Send me a (one) whippit and a (one) cracker in the mail.

    It just gets you really high for a minute fool
  14. #14
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I know this. I have courage, faggot. I just said no because of the Aliens behind the TV.
  15. #15
    hows nutmeg

    how much did u take
  16. #16

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Kinkou Someday when I have a desk I'll come back to the webcam lul

    Lol, now we know who you really are
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