2025-02-09 at 2:55 PM UTC
It's based on native Euro religions, quantum mechanics and socio-genetics.
Not very dogmatic. No cosmic rapists, winged horses, space aliens or magic tablets.
Basically, it says all we can know of the gods is by looking at their creation. We can assume whites are their favored because they gave us god-like creativity. They made the brown races for us to wisely guide, the Jevvs for us to struggle against and the Asian insect people as rivals and sometimes allies.
QM says the world is made of probability waves. These waves become particles when we observe them. They have only numerical proprieties. Everything is made of numbers, it's software. So who's running the software? The gods? Who's running their software? It's software, all the way up.
Socio-genetics (EO Wilson, Richard Dawkins) tells us the meaning of life and the reason for all behavior:
All living things, from Man to virus, seek only one thing, to increase the incidence of their genes. They behave in ways and display traits which, in the past, have tended to do so according to a genetic strategy which, in the case of animals, is flexibly enforced by a pain/pleasue program.
Like the Amish and Mormons, we would have a high birthrate and specialize in high quality businesses. We would live frugally in rural areas and pay no income taxes. Also have a 100% voting rate and take over local gov't and school boards, much like the Hasidic Jevvs. The tax exempt church would be our bank and insurance company.
I have a cool name for my religion, which I've registered. Also a cool symbol which I have yet to.
2025-02-09 at 3:37 PM UTC
Christian Identity is a subsubforum on storefronts theology subforum perfect for an aging bigot as yourself.
Also asatru, but i don't know much about that
2025-02-09 at 3:38 PM UTC
youre not wrong though. white people really are the master race
2025-02-09 at 3:42 PM UTC
I love being a dominant white male and the world reciprocates well enough
2025-02-09 at 3:43 PM UTC
I'm not racist about it. I just try my best in life and am who I am sexually.
2025-02-09 at 5:01 PM UTC
start with zeus's thrist with genymade.
or however that beautiful greek bacha bazi's name was spelt.
2025-02-09 at 5:06 PM UTC
genymade said it was a very memorable experiemce
2025-02-09 at 6:25 PM UTC
One biz we might get into is eugenics services. You can't get people to have a lot of kids unless you can guarantee they won't get stuck with a spaz. When kids were born at home or on the farm, they just wouldn't feed them.
Maybe set up clinics in the Caribbean.
One thing to do is get the kids with high verbal IQs law degrees. That's something you can learn from the Scientologists.