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Poll: Do western people of color have a fetish for white people?

Do westernized women of color have a fetish for white men?

  1. #1
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    Perhaps I am biased because I mostly come into contact with women who will entertain the prospective Mr Clean's sexual prepositions.

    That being said I have noticed a strong tendency for men and women of color desire to sleep with white men and women. I think it's beautiful. I haven't had sex with any Asian women or like women from India but I think they would also be interested

    Is it the angelic shine of my big bald head blinding them in the sunlight? The wet pink pussy they are drawn to? The desire to have stability and safety? The confidence?

    I know many white men who feel 100% confident in all situations, myself included. I believe I can dream something and actualize it in my life quickly.

    Sometimes i am unsuccessful but that doesn't cause any resentment I just dust myself and reapply to further apply myself.

    Plus I think there is something beautiful about a bright big white penis sliding in an out real aggressively by me, ya boy, MR. DIRTY.

  2. #2
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    I can't wait until my spanish is so good I can go to third world Latin American countries with 2,000$ and be treated like a conqueefador for a week.

    First place I'm going is North Havana so my friend can see his family and I can get to really know all his relatives.
  3. #3
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    After that I want to go to Rio and after that Phnom Peng
  4. #4
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    I used to jack off to National Geographic and it shows.
  5. #5
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    Plus I like if you go over there as a hung 6'1 white American you're like an angel coming to bless them with food, clothing, silver jedielry maybe a moped and some petrol and all I want is to visit religious shrines, eat what they eat, fish their river systems and fuck.
  6. #6
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    What you call sex tourism I call making memories wit my new Facebook friends.
  7. #7
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    I'm so hard right now
  8. #8
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    The last seven posts were written by my penis
  9. #9
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    I was born in the top but I wanna fuck in the bottom
  10. #10
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
    God bless white America and women of color. A match made in heaven
  11. #11
    Kroz's Ghost Tuskegee Airman
  12. #12
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
  13. #13
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    i consider myself "anglocised" and im very interested with op's naturally bleached and breached asshole.
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