2025-02-07 at 2:10 PM UTC
What the climate cult nutjobs would rather you not know is James Hansen is a self-professed "political activist", who receives millions of dollars from the climate cult nutjobs in the government, which means he is heavily biased, compromised, on the take, and as far from an unbiased, independent, credible source as one can get.
2025-02-07 at 5:49 PM UTC
So has your monosubject threads
2025-02-07 at 5:49 PM UTC
45 years of timelapse showing how we all drowned because of melted ice water.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Globule snorking has deracinated
2025-02-07 at 6:14 PM UTC
Back in the '70s, and I WAS THERE, they were howling on the news night and day that we were approaching a global cooling catastrophe. From 1970 to 1990, twenty years, they were bugling the warnings of an imminent and impending global freezing extinction event, according to all the scientists of the day. But after 20 years of their global cooling bullshit, with nothing happening for 20 years, people finally caught onto the scam. So the frauds decided they would repackage the scam, this time as global warming. An imminent and impeding global warming holocaust was now on the horizon, poised to wipe out all life on planet Earth. The science was settled. From 1990 to 2000, ten years, the global warming hoax raged. But, again, the people realized nothing happened and they weren't burnt up in a global warming apocalypse, as promised. So the frauds decided, you know, if they just call the hoax "climate change", then it doesn't matter if the hoax is hot or cold, all temperatures work! All the "scientists" once more chimed in their approval. And here we are today, faced with the same hoaxters of the past 55 years.