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I'm a proud man and I love 2025 America 🇱🇷
2025-01-23 at 5:11 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 5:15 PM UTC
Originally posted by Crispy Youre not even in america
There's going to be war between America and my country, I hate Elon Musk, when the chimpanzees who voted for this die the world will be a better place, they voted to destroy the planet, to kill the polar bears. Everyone has a duty to this planet to kill MAGA. -
2025-01-23 at 5:19 PM UTCNobody cares about Ireland.
2025-01-23 at 5:19 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 5:26 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 5:29 PM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm fucking can't even take walks and listen to music anymore. I live in a high traffic area and cars everywhere are just annoying.
I should get an old school 80s Boom Box and strut around like a white pimp n shit.
Originally posted by YouMotherFuckers I like this idea.
The fact that he thought of it and that you like it is proof it's a shitty idea. -
2025-01-23 at 5:35 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 5:44 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 5:47 PM UTCIt's like Netflxchillr told you how if attractive white men don't want you because you're severely overweight find a black guy who doesn't mind.
2025-01-23 at 6:19 PM UTCI'll always be a proud American but I'm not thrilled this next 4 years
2025-01-23 at 6:23 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 6:26 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 8 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 8:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag There's going to be war between America and my country, I hate Elon Musk, when the chimpanzees who voted for this die the world will be a better place, they voted to destroy the planet, to kill the polar bears. Everyone has a duty to this planet to kill MAGA.
I think you’re confusing niggers with maga -
2025-01-23 at 8:12 PM UTC
Originally posted by Crispy I think you’re confusing niggers with maga
The chimpanzees are within every race. They're the type to vote for authoritarians. They'll always be violent and rapey and hold back humanity's progress. They want to kill anyone who wants a fair society. Just because some of them are white doesn't mean they're your people. We humans are descended from both the bonobos and chimpanzees. Some people are more like chimpanzees and this world is better off without them. -
2025-01-23 at 8:14 PM UTCIm not reading all of that. Im saying instead of killing maga we should kill all niggers
2025-01-23 at 8:18 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag The chimpanzees are within every race. They're the type to vote for authoritarians. They'll always be violent and rapey and hold back humanity's progress. They want to kill anyone who wants a fair society. Just because some of them are white doesn't mean they're your people. We humans are descended from both the bonobos and chimpanzees. Some people are more like chimpanzees and this world is better off without them.
Will do something or just shut up. -
2025-01-23 at 8:19 PM UTCThe only people who should be deported are the morally corrupt.
2025-01-23 at 8:20 PM UTC
2025-01-23 at 8:20 PM UTC