2025-01-22 at 8:21 PM UTC
What do i do now?!?! Its been days without it, im so bored i feel like ive watched every video on youtube, ive been high for days. Why cant they put it back on app store??? Im so bored
2025-01-22 at 8:21 PM UTC
How do people live like this? I need tiktok
2025-01-22 at 8:24 PM UTC
Organise a protest to return TikTok to its former glory. The amount of teens that would show up could quickly end this madness.
2025-01-22 at 8:25 PM UTC
I don’t know enough people to do a protest, and im not a retard kafka, protests dont end in success ever. I just wish the niggers protesting didn’t succeed, i hate niggers. I need tiktok
2025-01-22 at 8:25 PM UTC
The wouldn't use the military on a protest consisting of teenagers, it would be their instant downfall.
2025-01-22 at 8:54 PM UTC
That return is just to extend the date for them to sell it. They could still nuke it
2025-01-22 at 8:54 PM UTC
Can’t you just install it outside the app store?
I’ve never used tiktok so I really have no idea how it works.
2025-01-22 at 10:51 PM UTC
[my enumerable hindi guideword]
1. Install Proton VPN
2. Set country to anywhere besides USA
3. Open TikTok app
4. ???
5. Profit.
Or something. I don't know. I've never used TikTok.
2025-01-22 at 11:10 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
my tiktok told me not to delete, they are laughing at you and every other deleter. you can buy an i phone with the app still on it for 10g's on ebay
2025-01-22 at 11:17 PM UTC
[my enumerable hindi guideword]
Android phones can install the .APK file for TikTok from places like apkpure.com
2025-01-22 at 11:25 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
I saw motherfucking snowmobilers riding in FLA today! u no that shit pissed me the fuck off, they have 9" I have 4" story of my life
2025-01-22 at 11:31 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
pass, well IDK, maybe, do you wanna watch Lolita with me and Sally?
2025-01-23 at 5:30 AM UTC
i thought everybody move on onto rednote already,
or little red book in chinese,