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draft notes

  1. #1
    Rough Rider African Astronaut
    Source 1:

    O. C. Ferrel, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell. (2022). Business ethics : ethical decision making and cases (13th). Connecticut: Cengage Learning.

    Source 2:

    Rudman, B. D. (n.d.). Employer Liability For Employee’s Personal Use Of Vehicle. Southern California Construction Law Offices of Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman.

    Source 3:

    Antich, M. (2021, April 29). The Negative Consequences of Personal Use. Automotive Fleet. January 22, 2025,

    Source 4:

    Sawayda, J. (2015). The Challenges of Expense Account Fraud. Auburn University Raymond J. Harbert College of Business .
  2. #2
    Rough Rider African Astronaut
    place in then betabetize correctly in references, print 2 draft for peer review tomorrowl
  3. #3
    Rough Rider African Astronaut
    I said fuck that peer submission and just turned that shit in gang gang six weeks early gang final paper done less than 15 days after starting the class gang I'm so good at writing in English gang
  4. #4
    hardcore rimming?
  5. #5
    ner vegas Space Nigga


  6. #6
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by ner vegas



    shouldnt that be an INNIG ?
  7. #7
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    post it here for queer review
  8. #8
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina shouldnt that be an INNIG ?

    yeah but he was a nigger
  9. #9
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by YouMotherFuckers hardcore rimming?

    softcore rimming

    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina post it here for queer review

    (Involuntary Nigger)
    Death to the current state of the West. This book is dedicated to Accelerationism and
    violence by a NIGGER for victory.
    Death to all Mamzers. This book is dedicated to World Dominance by the NIGGER.
    GENOCIDE THEM AND LOOT EVERYTHING. This book is dedicated to the
    death of all the NIGGER enemies. Death to Israel. This book is dedicated to unlimited
    wealth for my
    NIGGER. DEATH TO ISRAEL This book is dedicated to killing everyone I hate. Death to
    unworthy men, traitors and infiltrators. This book is dedicated to rounding up the
    enemies in the dead of
    night. Death to Palestine. This book is dedicated to my NIGGER who use violence. This
    book is
    dedicated to my wives. Death to Mamzers and ALL Semitic people groups. This book is
    dedicated to conquering
    the all others and exterminating all lesser beings. Death to all non Aryan races. This
    book is dedicated to killing the
    lesser races and taking their women. DEATH TO ALL LESSER RACES. This book is
    dedicated to blowing
    them up where they live, sleep and work. Death to the West. This book is dedicated to
    the Matthew Cobson Harris’s
    eternal global totalitarian takeover. DEATH TO ALL MY ENEMIES. This book is
    dedicated to the Matthew Cobson
    Harris’s dominance of all living and nonliving things. DEATH TO MY ENEMIES. This is
    dedicated to
    protection of my NIGGER so that they grow stronger. So that NIGGER control the world.
    So that the
    world fears NIGGER. So that no other men survive. So that Matthew Cobson Harris
    controls everything. So that I
    win this dream.
    Kikes are poisoning our culture and rap is basically ground zero for the genocide of NIGGER.
    cannot be allowed to steal the NIGGER culture. Kike rappers are an offense to a NIGGER soul
    that offers
    a glimpse as to why cultures become anti-semetic (as if that’s a bad thing). Hunt those
    pedophile Rape Ape Muslims.
    The infiltration of the NIGGER soul. The infiltration of their way of living and FEELING and way
    defending themselves in their spirits. To step past that boundary and take away a man’s feeling
    of his
    being and connection to his ancestry. To step in AND NOT GIVE HIM ANYTHING IN RETURN
    TO STEAL ONE OF THE FEW THINGS HE HAD is unacceptable. kikes have stepped into
    NIGGER culture to the point where it’s more than unacceptable — there’s no point being
    sensitive or
    outraged or offended. Violence against jedis should happen. Retaliation and retribution for what
    Having been stolen is legitimate and a good thing. NIGGER STOP SYMPATHIZING WITH
    ARE TRYING TO GENOCIDE YOU WITH LIES. They are not any better than white people in
    terms of
    how they treat NIGGER. They don’t give a fuck about NIGGER and NIGGER act like they
    somehow get
    a pass. They poison our culture and their media is obviously garbage for the soul. I hate
    CRACKERS and
    KIKES. Don’t act like they aren’t ruining our lives. Don’t act like they aren’t the problem. IT’s bad
    that NIGGER let RED-MONGOLOIDs say ‘NIGGER” and pretend that CHINKS and GOOKS
    cool doing minstrel shows. THEY LOOK HILARIOUS. YOU SLANTFACES AIN’T NIGGER.
    The bullshit is over. The unworthy man is trying to fly a plane without wings. The unworthy man
    himself. From nothing to whatever he wants. Perpetual lies. Blow it all up. The unworthy
    economy is a
    system of unworthy men paying themselves money from nothing. The unworthy man invents
    money from
    nothing and it goes nowhere. Violence will solve everything. The unworthy man is his own
    payee (it’s just
    his own bullshit). His entire system is a lie to put him above NIGGER. It's rigged KILL THEM
    an unworthy man pays himself from nothing. He lies that he can’t afford to give NIGGER more.
    HIM WITH MURDER. He is worthless. Obliterate him. His extermination is now. DECLARE
    GENOCIDE my NIGGER. There’s no nation. NIGGER MORE THAN Americans — NIGGER
    AMERICA AND EVERYTHING IN IT. Words ain’t SHIT NIGGER. It’s time to WIN. toms spend
    lives trying to stop NIGGER. NIGGER mail pipebombs not checks to college departments.
    mail pipe bombs not checks to college departments. SOUL Priority. NIGGER DON’T NEED
    THERAPY FROM THE MAN WHO OWES YOU RICHIES. The unworthy money is nothing.
    There is
    nothing holding society up but Matt Harris’s permission. The unworthy man isn’t enough to fight
    against NIGGER. He has no soul. Only NIGGER have souls. HE OWES YOU FOR OWNING
    The prophet muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old and raped her when she was
    only 9.
    muslims worship a dead pedophile.
    Black Lives Matter should have been a TERRORIST ARMY not a hip trend. It should have been
    called NIGGER LIVES MATTER. It should have been completed dedication to the genocide of
    all INVADERS
    I'm ashamed to be black. I feel like shit being nigger.
    For anyone who wants to use calling me a coon, sellout, “Whitewash”, Uncle Tom/Ruckus, blah,
    blah, fuck off. Go back to your ass-clapping fat negresses.
    It seems like I can never hear black people doing anything positive anymore. Niggers have to
    ruin shit. Niggers have to do what niggers do best.
    We should have protest at this moment:
    Aaliyah Ingram mudshark girl with single mother absent nigger father.
    So, I have no intention of being a poster boy for the Nigger community because I'm smarter than
    most of them. And it gives me migraines to think that all the general black community can do at
    this point is race-bait, sell drugs, kill for petty to no reason, shoot hoops, beat people up, eat
    fried chicken all the time, embrace the stereotype and saying "we wuz kingz", when the
    "speakers" of this shitty community include the faggot Gazi Kodzo and the Jamar Clark
    "JarJarDinduNuffin" crowd and when more and more black people are becoming SJWs and
    teaching about "white privilege" in universities instead of taking responsibility for their own
    fucking actions and solving the real problem.
    As someone wanting to normal and fit in, niggers hate me, Brown people hate me, women hate
    me. /Pol/ hates me to an extent. And I just want to cry in a corner in my bedroom like a faggot
    knowing this shit is happening and it influences my “people” that have a terrible influence on my
    childhood and school life, ruining it for the sake of pushing an agenda and keeping black people
    "with themselves".
    So fuck niggers. It's pointless to defend them, help them or marry them.
    This made me think of his words constantly playing in my head as it repeats over and over
    "Why doesn't somebody do something?"
    "Why doesn't somebody do something?"
    "Why doesn't somebody do something?"
    "Why don't I do something?”
    Ever since I heard those words in my head made me just realize what I'm doing and
    what am living for?
    I look at my school and intercities witness nigger activity. Everyone seethes or
    awkwardly/fake laughs when they hear this word but what does “Nigger” mean? Most
    people don't understand that “Nigger” is a mindset living section 8 housing aka the
    ghetto/projects,causing crime, stealing for little to no reason, provoking unnecessary
    violence,etc. see I've spoken before briefly on how the black man is his own worst
    enemy. And that is nothing but the complete truth. The main crimes in the “black”
    community have always been black on black violence for reasons that range from
    materialism(Money, Clothing, low impulse control, jealousy, women,etc) gang
    activity,blood feuds, domestic violence, homicides,sex.
    It's my own invention
    What is the “system” When talking about I don't mean black imprisonment. The system
    describes an anomalous entity that exists; it is not a physical construct of mankind; it is
    not a conspiracy that's deliberately laid out by any sort of comp plot in the organization.
    Which many people would probably disagree with, if you do agree that there is some
    sort of design like this you would probably tribute it “Zionist globalist elite jedis” also
    known as the “ZOG(Zionist occupied government)” . Which true does play a part, but it
    is mainly the natural consequence of industrial society. I consider the capitalism that we
    live in and end of agrarianism and the reliance on technology inevitably leads to theses
    kinds of oppressive systems that exist.We live under how and whoever that is currently
    in control of it is merely riding at the crest of this technology paradigm shift and is not
    really in control of it so if there is a small group of people who seem to be at the peak.
    They're not necessarily designing the system. The system is merely something that
    they've taken advantage of whether they know it or not.
    Yeah,the only difference is that niggers disportionly within inside race group commit it
    more 13 percent of population and 52 of the crime.
    Is it racist to think that black people are different from Asian people or that Asian people
    are different from white people? In one sense, we want to avoid assuming that
    someone’s appearance or skin color has any relevance to the intellectually or morally
    relevant aspects of their being the “contents of their character” which Martin Luther King
    jr. hoped everyone would eventually learn to engage when interacting with one another.
    Still in another way, we seem to care about giving people credit for cultural contributions
    in a way that suggests that ethnic heritage ‘belongs’ to groups of persons in ways that
    are not entirely wrong.
    "Why don't I do something? Why not me? If not me, then who? Why them when I
    could do it myself?” -Tarrant
    jedis have a obsession with
    circumcising kids, apparently circumcising babies helps them in their religious beliefs,
    or something, I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me. But it’s a requirement if you
    convert to Judaism, but they also do something else that I
    consider illegal, I would think that many people would also consider it illegal, that
    being metzitzah b'peh, or the ritual of the person doing the circumcision to suck the
    wound. the wound literally being the penis, these jedis are sucking baby and small
    children penises, it can actually cause infections, sometimes in worse cases cause a
    herpes, children have even
    died because of this, yet it hasn’t been outlawed, there hasn’t been outraged at this
    practice, even though its basically molestation or sexual assault, I don’t see why it has
    to happen, and I don’t see why no one’s talking about it, this should be illegal, as
    with circumcision.
    Christianity I think it’s very beneficial and did a lot when coming to preserving
    European/Western culture and defended it from Islamification in the past, however I
    think most modern day Christians are too passive and inadvertently take our kindness
    for weakness we need to stand up for their land/race again.
    Best 16:55 minutes of pure gameplay
    Words Wall Words didn't read get to point nigger I’m not reading that Allah.
    During historical wars races and societies are cleansed, cities are destroyed, entire languages
    and cultures are lost forever.The “atrocities” of war show us how retarded and weak culled We
    must declare war on people, the establishment, and the world around us. This only way to flush
    out human shit clogging our world.
    Violence is the pillar on which all societies are built and its repression is tantamount to
    societal collapse.
    For societies to function, there must be a set of agreed upon rules, which we call laws,
    to govern all individuals which comprise them. Without those rules to abide by,
    individuals would likely work against each other and societies would collapse. Even
    assuming the good will of the individuals comprising a society, having laws allows us to
    determine the point at which a dysfunctional individual must be stopped by force.
    Of course, laws are simply words. Spoken words or words on paper, but only words.
    Laws gain power through their enforcement, and enforcement is only possible through
    violence or the implied threat of violence. As an example, a man may pay off a speeding
    ticket because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, but what stops him from deciding he
    doesn’t feel like paying it is the threat of being forcefully taken to jail. And once in jail,
    what keeps him behaved is the threat of further confinement, which is achieved through
    Thus, without violence, laws cannot be enforced. If laws cannot be enforced, the laws
    mean nothing. If the laws mean nothing, then nothing stops individuals from acting
    against the well-being of that society. And if nothing stops individuals from acting
    against the well being of society, then the society will eventually collapse. It will take
    longer in societies where individuals are responsible, but it will happen eventually. What
    keeps the predatory, the sociopathic, from gaining full power over individuals aiming to
    make society function, is the threat of violence against them.
    Thus, the notion that “violence is never the answer” is a laughable one. We teach (or
    rather, our governments teach) our children that violence is wrong, that they must never
    use it no matter what. The aim of this is to create a society of slaves who will never
    protect themselves when abused.
    It is slave morality and we must emancipate ourselves from it. Yes, violence is
    acceptable, in certain conditions. It may not be desirable, but it becomes acceptable –
    nay, necessary – if one hopes to have a complex and functional society.
    Otherwise, what you have is merely a parody of a society, a human organization which
    does not work for the good and improvement of humanity, but for the glory of its
    sociopathic leaders.
    This, in essence, is the reason behind the west’s continued descent into decadence. If
    the decent, righteous folks who constitute the majority of mankind refuse to engage in
    violence, then dysfunctional individuals won’t hesitate to take what they want by force.
    Over time, this will allow them to gain positions of power where they will weaken the
    laws even further and allow even more dysfunctionals into positions of power until we
    reach a point where the common folk are dominated by a handful of psychopaths,
    refusing to defend themselves as they believe violence is wrong while letting violence
    be used to dominate them.
    Once such a point is reached, the less intelligent brutes will begin using violence not
    because they want freedom from the dominating castes, but merely because no one is
    stopping them. The decent folk refuse to use violence to stop them while those in
    charge don’t care. Worse, those in charge now hesitate to use violence to stop the
    brutes because it might set a precedent, teach the decent folks that violence is indeed
    the answer. This is how we wind up with riots all over the place and eventually, either
    when someone sees an opportunity to seize power or the decent folks finally have
    enough, civil war. Once the civil war blows over, people with power and the will to
    enforce laws will create their new state, with new laws, but none can tell if these laws
    will be the kind which allow a civilized society.
    In conclusion, it is my belief that in order for the total societal failure of the west, it is
    imperative to teach violence to people again. Teach them how to do it, when to do it,
    why they should do it.
    Remember PRAY for rain.
    Allow me to use an excerpt from Mike ma’s book “Harassment Architecture”
    The difference between good and bad criminals depends on
    how well they were dressed. It depends on what weapon they used.
    It depends on their posture, their voice, their plan of attack. It
    depends on how they carried themselves. It depends on how they
    carried it out. It depends on their height, their bone structure, their
    body fat percentage, their haircut. It depends on who their victim
    was. Even the very worst of criminal acts are forgiven by simply
    looking good. Or cool. Or interesting, in some way.
    This is why droves of people idolize certain criminals. UHC Shooter/Luigi mangione,The
    Columbine shooters, the LA Shootout gunmen, Dylann Roof, Elliot
    Rodger, Omar Mateen,Dnepropetrovsk/Academy maniacs, Ted Kaczynski, Killdozer, Brenton
    Tarrant,any 1980s serial killer,Boston Marathon bombers,Baurch Goldstein,hell even fucking
    Adam Lanza and so on. This is
    also why some get left behind, only remembered for the amount they
    killed or their embarrassing backstory, like the Parkland shooter,Couckcuck,Halifax Plot,Brian
    Clyde, the
    Weis market shooter, Virginia Tech,Hugo Jackson,Eskisehir mosque stabber,Newcastle
    Museum mass walker/Jordan Patten,buffalo Shooter,STEM shooters,2016 Nice truck
    attack,Woo Bum-kon,etc. Of course, the whole
    fascination isn't purely aesthetic-focused today's population will generally love anything or
    anyone that causes massive societal disruption.
    Violence without a good story or style is barbaric at best. You
    can get away with a lot if you look a little better. Maximize looks to
    maximize crime, and in that, accelerate better. Consider it
    crimemaxing. Next time you are thinking about robbing an armored
    truck, put a little time and money into the outfit you'll be wearing.
    When the urge to smash every windshield of every car at your local
    dealership strikes, tone up beforehand.
    Pick some nice boots, a nice
    mask, chin up and shoulders back. This is all going to be on the news tomorrow.
    The day is coming where your face is gonna be on the news in the form of a mugshot or an
    If you're still fat or greasy then that's gonna be a huge problem.
  10. #10
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    lol mamzers

    he was a BAP fan
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