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I told you feminazi whitewhales would be a problem
2025-01-21 at 12:39 AM UTC
It's a real fuckin thing. Take one look at that article and tell me KKK USA Bitchmob ain't real -
2025-01-21 at 12:42 AM UTCThey describe their approach as "Traditional Satanism". Traditional damn Satanism.
2025-01-21 at 2:13 AM UTCwhoa
2025-01-21 at 2:17 AM UTClol
some of their stuff is interesting but they attract a lot of retarded kids on purpose -
2025-01-21 at 3:07 AM UTCthey are in my old hood
2025-01-21 at 3:47 AM UTCWhich great white whale broke your heart of darky-ness?
🐋 💔 🔫 -
2025-01-21 at 3:47 AM UTCI didn't know how to do a black guy emoji so I just put a gun
2025-01-21 at 3:49 AM UTCSupersoaker 100
2025-01-21 at 3:56 AM UTC
2025-01-21 at 4:10 AM UTC
2025-01-21 at 4:28 AM UTCNo I just had those little pistols u pulled the trigger and some water would come out.
Never one with the pump semi. My dad wasn't in the Dea and my mom didn't wear an apron while she baked me fresh cookies after school -
2025-01-21 at 4:30 AM UTCSemi can I have sex with your chicken wing arm?
I guess I'm asking you for a wing job. -
2025-01-21 at 11:50 PM UTC
2025-01-22 at 12:04 AM UTC
Informal Request for ATI Records Previously Released
Organization: National Defence
Year: 2021
Month: May
Request Number: A-2020-01048
Request Summary: Investigations into the Order of Nine Angles by the forces. Specifically, if there was a member of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre in St. John's Newfoundland investigated for their connection to "Tempel ov Blood" and/or the "Atomwaffen" division
Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 102 have some questions about some group I found,” Ethan Melzer wrote on Discord in February 2019. Deep into occult forums since he was a kid, Melzer was in a channel on the encrypted-messaging app looking for information on the Order of Nine Angles. Founded in the 1960s in England, the group takes an omnivorous approach to the occult and the far right, picking from the worst of Satanism, Nazism, and white nationalism. “So let me get this straight,” Melzer wrote to one O9A adherent. “There [are] satanic nazi edgelords.” O9A’s true size is unknown and its beliefs vary widely, but a common goal is to join a gang, terrorist plot, police force, or military unit, then stir as much chaos as possible to accelerate the fall of western civilization.
By the time he sent that message, Melzer had already signed up with the Army. To his loved ones, it looked as if the 20-year-old was finally on a path to a normal life. His baby face and pink cheeks did not tell the story of the years lost to abuse, meth addiction, and violence by his own hand. In a period he would call a “total blur,” he sold drugs to fund his habit and said he joined a Louisville chapter of the Bloods gang. Authorities later claimed that he shot a dealer in the arm after running off with an ounce of weed. But by late 2018, he had found stability at the federal career-training program Job Corps in rural Kentucky: early wake-up calls, cafeteria meals, a reliable dorm bed. A counselor there described him as a “good kid,” one that you “wouldn’t mind dating your daughter.”
In June 2019, he reported for active duty at Fort Moore in Georgia, where he signed an enlistment statement disavowing any allegiance to extremist groups. Online, though, he was learning everything he could about O9A while vetting newcomers on Discord. “Do you believe in survival of the fittest?” he asked. “What is fascism to you?” Other extremists on Discord warned him he was “playing with fire” by staying in contact with O9A while in the military. Melzer didn’t care. Shortly before he shipped out to a base in Italy that fall, he bought a copy of the Order’s satanic bible. He smeared blood on his favorite passages and kept it throughout his deployment.
But life in active duty as a private wasn’t quite what he hoped for. He socialized little and drank alone. In his second life online, he was frustrated by his lack of opportunities to act on behalf of O9A. In a conversation on how to start a race war, he wrote, “Can’t really do anything when I’m in fucking Italy.” For a while, he became too depressed to visit the extremist chats that had enticed him for the past year. Then COVID hit Northern Italy and Melzer was stuck in the barracks under lockdown, where he got sucked back into far-right chat rooms. While his platoon slept around him, he plotted its demise.
On April 21, 2020, Melzer accessed a new O9A group on the encrypted app Telegram. Its moderator was GvlagKvlt, a Canadian who said he had become radicalized after getting wounded as a paratrooper in Iraq. To join, Melzer had to prove that he was really a soldier. He sent GvlagKvlt a picture of his Army beret with his battalion insignia next to a knife, a 20-ounce can of Red Bull, a ski mask with a skull design, and his O9A manifesto. -
2025-01-22 at 12:19 AM UTCfuckin KKK USA bummy mofo is right say it
2025-01-22 at 12:39 AM UTCHave you considered romancing an incredibly fat white girl?
If the truckergut doesn't bother you she will probably let u drive her vw truck while she's at work. -
2025-01-22 at 12:40 AM UTCIt's nice. U could do a lot of crime in it.
2025-01-22 at 5:20 AM UTCFat white women and skinny white women alike, they chase after this envied black meatstake served rare
2025-01-22 at 10:44 AM UTCIf you marry a white woman, it'll help you get a car/house loan, in the future
2025-01-22 at 3:12 PM UTCMines a great white manatee amd she's Irish.