2025-01-21 at 9:58 PM UTC
The real 1's voted for Jill Stein
2025-01-21 at 10:41 PM UTC
"We don't want to put just one nigga in space, but seek to put all the niggas in space." - Sir Reynold Lannus
2025-01-21 at 10:42 PM UTC
'A place for counter cultural ideas by a spectrum of individuals of various backgrounds and cock sizes.'
2025-01-21 at 10:46 PM UTC
"A place for individuals who enjoy forums but don't enjoy censorship"
2025-01-21 at 10:47 PM UTC
"A place where people will call you a pedophile while teaching you about bestiality, rimming and homosexuality."
2025-01-21 at 10:48 PM UTC
"A bad place for bad people like yourself. Welcome home."
2025-01-21 at 11:11 PM UTC
"Come here and join our death cult, we love killing people at the Temple of the Screaming Electron's offshoot's offshoot's offshoot. Same demonic spirit, NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT."
2025-01-21 at 11:12 PM UTC
"JEFF HUNTER DID 9/11 AND I CAN PROVE IT I JUST DON'T WANT TO." - Paul "Stop telling people I molested you" Wozny
2025-01-21 at 11:13 PM UTC
"Hey, You Only Have a 1 in 20 Chance of Being the Human Sacrifice of the Year. Join us!"
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-21 at 11:15 PM UTC
Yeah it's kinda sick but after 14 years of membership I've come to accept it. It's like in the Aztec empire, everyone knows someone is going to get sacrificed and it's probably going to be a young person and it's going to be really awful but it needs to happen to keep the lights on so I mean no reason to really get upset about it.
I pray Crispy doesn't get on the bus but she definitely is in the potential pool given her youth and desire to get high AND STAY HIGH
2025-01-21 at 11:31 PM UTC
Idrgaf who goes unless it's one of my favorite 25 posters which unfortunately it usually is. You know for awhile I kinda accepted the high likelihood I would be bonked by the banhammer
2025-01-21 at 11:31 PM UTC
And by banhammer I mean death
Rip MarkXtc311
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2025-01-21 at 11:32 PM UTC
But after what happened two years ago I've kinda accepted I'm not gonna die early
2025-01-21 at 11:33 PM UTC
Feel. Like. That was. My last opportunity to die
2025-01-21 at 11:48 PM UTC
Why couldn't like Wariat be the next human sacrifice? I guess he wouldn't be worth much even to the lesser gods anyways.