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Its Your Fault MAGA
2025-01-20 at 8:11 PM UTCYou're Russian collusion of Hunter Biden's fake laptop photos and false evidence is why Former President Biden pardon his family members from Prosecution .
Its because you kept harassing (LMAO) his son. HOW (FLMAO) DARE YOU!
He's going to turn to Corn-pop now for payback? -
2025-01-20 at 8:17 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 8:22 PM UTCfucking thing wont load. He's giving a nazi salute. Fuck imgbb piece of shit
2025-01-20 at 10:54 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 10:56 PM UTCOp can count all of his friends on 1 penis
2025-01-20 at 10:56 PM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm Wow, what is happening to this country. Why is Pro EVA guy Musk throwing Hitler Salutes to Trump who wants to Drill Drill Drill
seems like an underline message is being sent to Americans.
when does the invasion happen?
That's not a Nazi salute. It's like looking for pink elephants in the clouds. -
2025-01-20 at 11 PM UTCI just want to come out of my survival mode hyperfocused on plotting. I've forgotten I have a physical body and need to do things.
2025-01-20 at 11:02 PM UTClend me the physical body
2025-01-20 at 11:08 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 11:08 PM UTCA lot of Europeans are ready for war with America and Donald claimed he didn't know that the UK had nukes. This will be wild. I can't see myself having one day of peace for years to come.
"In the coming months, key meetings among European leaders are expected to discuss defense initiatives, including joint military exercises and expanded funding for weapons production." -
2025-01-20 at 11:10 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 11:15 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 11:16 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 11:20 PM UTCThe Military Industrial Complex needs to be eliminated. It's just a bunch of international terrorists working for BlackRock and VanGuard. They have caused millions of deaths worldwide and destroyed entire countries for nothing more than massive profits for themselves and the emptying of the people's tax coffers. Arrest them all for racketeering and put them all in prison for life without parole.
2025-01-20 at 11:23 PM UTCI can see liberal US soldiers sabotaging your operations. Your army has been depleted.
2025-01-20 at 11:23 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag To pray is to give up responsibility and independence.
Thankfully, not everything wrong and unjust is your responsibility. if you try to carry too much on your shoulders the weight will crush you.
"We have bricks of suffering in us, and without a boat we are in danger of sinking in the river of suffering. If you throw a stone in the river, it will sink, but if you have a boat, you can transport tons of pebbles and stones."
"If there are negative things around you, you can always find something that is healthy, refreshing, and healing, and with your mindfulness you can recognize its presence in your life."
I find the mindfulness/zen/Buddha stuff to be very swagged out. have you ever tried mindfulness of the breath? -
2025-01-20 at 11:29 PM UTC
2025-01-20 at 11:31 PM UTC
Originally posted by A College Professor Thankfully, not everything wrong and unjust is your responsibility. if you try to carry too much on your shoulders the weight will crush you.
"We have bricks of suffering in us, and without a boat we are in danger of sinking in the river of suffering. If you throw a stone in the river, it will sink, but if you have a boat, you can transport tons of pebbles and stones."
"If there are negative things around you, you can always find something that is healthy, refreshing, and healing, and with your mindfulness you can recognize its presence in your life."
I find the mindfulness/zen/Buddha stuff to be very swagged out. have you ever tried mindfulness of the breath?
Um... Oddly those forms of relaxation have never appealed to me. Yoga, meditation, self-help gurus, religion, it's not for me. Wellness cults exist so it would put me on guard. I value knowing the truth more than being comfortable. I'll never entertain a god, I will stand on my own feet. That's how you grow. -
2025-01-20 at 11:34 PM UTCWhen I want to relax I listen to hypnosis, read fairy books, play with toys, get a Thai massage, take a bath, smell vanilla perfume, drink vodka, pet my cat.
2025-01-20 at 11:36 PM UTCDBD also helps me relax. I know it's a repetitive waste of time but I really get immersed in it and it always having the same structure calms my autism.