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If you're not a Nazi by now, you're not very bright
2025-01-17 at 8:10 PM UTC
2025-01-17 at 8:58 PM UTC
Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There's still lots of Nazis around. For example, the Ukraine Army are self-professed Nazis.
Just because your grandfather literally joined the Germany Army marching through his Ukrainian town and left a bunch of flags and armbands doesn't mean the Reich still exists for you to be loyal to.
Even if any of those people are still alive they are still veterans and should be respected. Anyone that says Canada did anything wrong or that this old veteran is wrong is simply brainwashed by hebrews.
The guy is not in a war crimes prison so clearly he was just fighting for a side you don't agree with personally, SLOWFLAKE!!!!
2025-01-17 at 9:16 PM UTCAll jedi haters are nazis.
2025-01-17 at 9:38 PM UTCHitler sure was dark for an "Aryan"
2025-01-17 at 9:41 PM UTC
2025-01-17 at 9:58 PM UTCI mean, Israel woulnd't exist without him....
2025-01-17 at 11:05 PM UTCI'd rather be a nazi team get a frontal lobotomy
2025-01-17 at 11:06 PM UTCD
It rymes if you day it with an accent -
2025-01-18 at 12:18 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Oh look, it's the old "Hitler was a jedi" conspiracy theory.
I think it was proven he had J'ewish lineage. most people do. someone in the family married a J'ew at some point in history.
he's German so the chance of a Ashkenazi is very likely. he wasn't a Pure Aryan this is obvious. And it's weird how he had a fucking hard on for blond hair blue eyed men and women. The women I can understand but come on.
and Ashkanazi have a lot of Kazarian (its in the name) which is converted Turks who practice Turkish Mystisism which Hitler was seriously into. that's not a real J'ewish belief. it was incorporated into the European J'ews practice. -
2025-01-18 at 12:19 AM UTCAlso there is evidence that first sons almost never have Blonde hair. its usually third and forth children that get this. I forgot the reason but there is some fact to this.
Ask AI -
2025-01-18 at 12:27 AM UTC
2025-01-18 at 12:34 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Doubt that personally. Do you?
I don't know really. He looks not very German. more Flemish or Dutch. dark olive tone skin.
It was rumored that before his step father married his mother (For honorable reasons.. give him a Gold star) because Hitler's Mom was raped by her Father's Uncle (A jedi). her great paternal uncle or fathers brother her (hitlers mom) and she had a child out of wedlock which rumors went flying for years.
His step-father tried to be a good man and treat him fair but Hitler started having serious anger issues when his brother died real young (or 2 siblings)
He lost it. Also something about him trying to please the Aryan School of Art and them shitting on him. instead of turning his rage on Aryans he developed a Stockholm Syndrome kind of thing where he tried to impress the people who rejected him. turning him into a giant white nationalist and joined the Nazi Party. wasn't he a communist before he changed parties? -
2025-01-18 at 12:38 AM UTClol
2025-01-18 at 12:43 AM UTC
2025-01-18 at 12:45 AM UTCThe truth is most women want equality, not a matriarchy. Even I would prefer equality over matriarchy. Their fears are unfounded. They're protecting their own insidious ways onto women.
2025-01-18 at 12:51 AM UTCThe bonobos monkeys are a matriarchy. The females band together when a male is being aggressive. They're also a peaceful species and have a lot of sex. That's what the worst case scenario of a matriarchy is, women banding together to stop rapists. Elements of matriarchy are needed in America now, but if they succeed it will eventually become a fairer society, a matriarchy wouldn't last. Liberals want the best for everyone, Republicans only want the best for themselves and to kill anyone unlike them.
2025-01-18 at 1:04 AM UTCI read confessions of a GP. He was talking about interviewing candidates for medical school and noted that women were getting more places and that it was because they were better prepared. Men have overconfidence so aren't as studious. That needs to be addressed, you don't go making things harder for women again like raising the bar for them. You're meant to help men become competent enough.
2025-01-18 at 1:06 AM UTCI suspect it's an aftereffect of patriarchy, if women were told they couldn't be as smart as men that would prompt them to study harder.
2025-01-18 at 1:08 AM UTCMy advice to men nowadays is to take with a grain of salt what men from the past said. You can't trust history. How much of it was written by incel monks?
2025-01-18 at 1:10 AM UTCIf you want to understand the nature of women look around you. You can't trust what men from the past say when certain ones were given megaphones and women didn't have a chance to explain their nature.