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If you're not a Nazi by now, you're not very bright
2025-01-13 at 9:41 PM UTCTRUMP scares you I get that, he doesn't put me at ease either because he is a really smart moron and i'm afraid he hasn't a clue about what our constitution means or the act of 1871 being treasonous but at least he has driven a wedge into the new world order that didn't have any constitution so we have time to work on the issues before trying again for global rule with an irrevocable Constitution and bill of rights
2025-01-13 at 9:56 PM UTC
Originally posted by POLECAT oh Baby Girl, have you red our constitution?
if you say yes but didnt define every motherfucking word using a dictionary from the time it was written you have 0 clue what it means,, its not interpret able, its set in stone,only 250 years and a slew of traitors and the corruption of language has made it wishy washy an interpret able depending on your point of view.
You said Trump for 2028, that goes against your constitution. -
2025-01-13 at 11:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag You said Trump for 2028, that goes against your constitution.
Golly Molly I say a lot of stuff when im shit talkin, you don't know me you know POLECAT and that nigga be wild
POLECAT guards ACP from being known. its possible you would like ACP.
Ive never even mentioned ACP in any forums ever before so you should feel a smidgen privileged at this point -
2025-01-13 at 11:40 PM UTC
2025-01-14 at 12:19 AM UTCI speak fluent Nazi.
2025-01-14 at 12:20 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 12:43 AM UTC💩
2025-01-14 at 12:44 AM UTCShit thread
2025-01-14 at 12:58 AM UTCI'm super high af right now and this is just full of bad vibes
Fuck Hitler
Fuck Mao
Fuck Trotsky
Fuck Putin
Fuck Hyper-capitalist pretending to be communist
Fuck Buzz killer trolls
I can't do a cartwheel. room spinning, too fat and old man -
2025-01-14 at 1:53 AM UTC
Originally posted by POLECAT Golly Molly I say a lot of stuff when im shit talkin, you don't know me you know POLECAT and that nigga be wild
POLECAT guards ACP from being known. its possible you would like ACP.
Ive never even mentioned ACP in any forums ever before so you should feel a smidgen privileged at this point
Nobody wants to hear about your Asshole Compulsion Problem -
2025-01-14 at 3:05 AM UTCPaul Wozny molested me but I still hang out with him now that he no longer can get hard
2025-01-14 at 3:06 AM UTCSafer
2025-01-14 at 3:41 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 3:45 AM UTCI did nazi this thread being this successful
2025-01-14 at 5:30 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 7:09 AM UTC
Good morning. -
2025-01-14 at 7:23 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 8:43 AM UTC
2025-01-14 at 8:59 AM UTCI can't be a nazi. I'm brown.
2025-01-14 at 8:59 AM UTC