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Im being arrested for child pornography by apd

  1. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    I love Foreigner too. and Foghat. and umm so many bands back then. Billy Squire. all in the "Classic Rock". the obligatory like The Who and of course Pink Floyd. but yeah.

    not sure what genre Styx was apart of. maybe Progression but they were kind of a cross-over band
  2. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    I dont like that fucking song. Stop posting Obligatory radio play.
    they look for 2-3 minute pieces not the best songs on the album
  3. Rough Rider African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm I dont like that fucking song. Stop posting Obligatory radio play.
    they look for 2-3 minute pieces not the best songs on the album

    You're so cultural
  4. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider You're so cultural

    I am actually. when I want to be.

    stay off my Bandwidth, Faggot. I'm tired of your static
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ☧ ⛍ Bill Krozbyby&search_type=posts&author=


    還有bradley b和tortilla,他們騷擾朋友,欺騙他,讓他以為警察會以兒童色情罪突擊搜查他,因為他們是心煩意亂的同性戀男性,他們覺得自己有權力在網上毀掉別人的生活,但在任何一對一的情況下這些失敗者會被任何人殺死,這就是為什麼這些膽小鬼也從不離開他們的家鄉

    最初由 Cowboy2013 發布
    他們做出了什麼貢獻? Bill Krozbyby&search_type=posts&author=

    最初由 TORTILLA 發布
    他不會,而且我在你們來到這裡之前很多年就說過了。當我和 WS 常常讓他在鏡頭前哭泣時,我很不幸地有幸徹底了解了這個智障者。他是個病態的酗酒者、說謊者、強暴犯。

    Bill Bill Bill Krozbybyby 告訴我,他在美國時尚小鎮奧斯汀的房租是每月 800 美元,這還不包括水電費、網路費、瓦斯費以及作為 fuccboi 所需的一般開支。因此我保守估計每月 1,000 元。比爾·克羅茲比比 (Bill Bill Bill Krozbybyby) 做披薩工作,工資為最低工資,每小時 7.25 美元。他每週工作約30小時。這意味著稅前每月收入為 870 美元,每月淨虧損超過 130 美元。你可能會問,這個數字中哪裡有足夠的空間存入 20,000 美元來開一個熱狗攤呢?我會告訴你在哪裡:媽媽。

    上個月,Weedsmoker 告訴我,Bill Bill Bill Krozbybyby 的父母每個月都會補貼他的房租,這確實是他能維持住房的唯一方法。幾個月來,Douggie D 一直出現在 TinyChat 上,但沒有工作。考慮到比爾·克羅茲比比是個酒鬼,我完全不相信他在找工作期間能存下錢來支付生活費。 最初由 Quick Mix Ready 發布
    然而他確實告訴了我一些關於我很絕望的事情,因為我開玩笑地說他沒有被邀請參加聊天聚會,並且“Wariat 邀請他聊天”

    就好像我應該嫉妒他可能和 Wariat 勾搭上,像戀童癖者一樣交換 CP 照片一樣

    最初由 slide22 發布
    但他有足夠的時間來發布它。然後自殺?如果警察在場是為了執行 CP,那麼他們在執行逮捕令之前就會有逮捕令。

    因此請檢查一下。他的最後一篇貼文是典型的惡作劇 EEEEeeeee

    因 CP 被警察突襲 11 小時後,他還在開玩笑?之後就什麼都沒有了。

    我真的認為有人謀殺了他。也許是在那裡講了一些奇怪的笑話,然後他發布了這個「呼籲關注」的帖子,然後 11 小時後他又開始開玩笑了。



    chzbrg 在那裡並通知我們所有人,真是太方便了。閱讀最後一篇文章中的故事。他正要用刀刺傷打了毒販肚子的那個傢伙,然後在逃跑的途中搶走了他的毒品和錢。然後他就要把他救回來。然後他和那個男人聯繫上了,那個男人讓他開車,但後來他們喝醉了,Kr0z 撞上了一位女士駕駛的昂貴汽車的後座,然後肇事逃逸。


    為什麼 11 小時後他才做他的小 EEEeee 事情?

    最初由 Bradley 發布
    回答你的問題;在吸食了大量甲基安非他命(代號為“tek”)後,他確信奧斯汀警察局帶著警犬在外面,突襲即將到來,並用玉米餅式封住了他的家門,在精神錯亂中,他決定“操BradleyB 和其他人誰在乎我」並決定用菜刀割開自己的手腕和腹部,在某個時候,他決定「哇這真的很痛,我可能會死」並試圖解開一些路障。那裡有兩灘血跡,一灘位於門口的路障處,一灘位於床邊,據我所知,他是在床邊被發現死亡的。




    RIP Kr0zd0g,我就知道你永遠不會工作。

  6. Rough Rider African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm I am actually. when I want to be.

    stay off my Bandwidth, Faggot. I'm tired of your static

    Is it eating into your child porn gathering???
  7. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider Is it eating into your child porn gathering???

    I don't even know what that is. clearly you're knowledgeable for a reason, Child fucker
  8. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm is that Styx?

    No, you're stupid

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Figures you'd like those fagits
  9. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker No, you're stupid

    Figures you'd like those fagits

    still rent free while being hungover from last nights 'fallen off the wagon' I see
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm still rent free while being hungover from last nights 'fallen off the wagon' I see

    Replying to a direct question ≠ thinking about you Tinkerbell and I haven't drank even socially since I sold the restaurant in like October.
  11. Rough Rider African Astronaut
    Bill Krozby was a bad man but he was my friend and i miss him.
  12. Rough Rider African Astronaut
    Crazy op was posted 4 years ago
  13. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
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