2025-01-12 at 9:24 PM UTC
or how old do you guys think girls are when they first start to get interested in and fascinated by dicks that are large in size or obsessed with big cocks?
2025-01-12 at 9:27 PM UTC
i disagree. i think its 12. ask crisolis how old she was when she got that fetish.
2025-01-12 at 9:28 PM UTC
also remember the girl i used to talk to online in poland i was infatuated with and she with me and we were constantly on live on snapchat and i used to have avatar pic of? she had a whole colleciton of dick pics.
2025-01-12 at 9:30 PM UTC
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
oh, its you.
bee seeing you
2025-01-12 at 9:31 PM UTC
Anything bigger than 5.5 inches is preetttyyyy scary. Dont worry wariat yours doesnt get hard and is surely not bigger than 4 inches so youre fine
2025-01-13 at 1:07 AM UTC
Eight worthless threads in 24 hours.
2025-01-13 at 1:10 AM UTC
lets get a serious discussion going then on the age of consent.
2025-01-13 at 1:29 AM UTC
I'm contacting truckerguts boyfriend and getting you banned again
2025-01-13 at 1:57 AM UTC
time for anudda alt
you really gotta put these threads in half baked man