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Done with 2025
2025-01-09 at 8:03 PM UTCIf you are "enslaved" in 2025 you are a fucking retard and deserve it at this point. literally walk into any NGO and you will be fine.
I am convinced that it's all fake and people just making up stories to get muh asylums -
2025-01-09 at 8:32 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag It may make you uncomfortable to dehumanise people but that's the mistake the left made, being too decent.
there is no other solution but to kill them.
The left always understood this. Mao said a hundred different ways. That's why he was mad at the Soviet Union for not nuking the US in the Cuban missile crisis. -
2025-01-09 at 9:06 PM UTCMy friend wants me to be a slave master
2025-01-09 at 10:18 PM UTCI want to be loved
2025-01-09 at 11:42 PM UTCWell
2025-01-10 at 12:38 AM UTC
2025-01-10 at 12:46 AM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas you converted Lanny from being a Bay Area s0yboy to a deep south hillbilly. the why is still beyond my comprehension but I can definitely respect the how
Bc the south will rise again.
Also I think this was a polite way of saying yes so not only am I mortally wounded but I am going to team up with Kafka to fight this misogyny. -
2025-01-10 at 1:12 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Growing up without in a single parent household, without the constant presence of toxic masculinity, is the best thing for a child. It's sad to see children who have come so close to breaking the cycle of patriarchal violence and bigotry fall under the spell of a bizarre misogynist like Tate and I have no idea what motivates it. used longitudinal multivariate models to test whether these common background factors were responsible for the higher incarceration
among youths in father-absent families (Table 2). The first model showed
that before any of the markers of socioeconomic disadvantage were separated out, the bivariate association between family type and incarceration
was highly significant, with youths in single-mother and mother-stepfather
households, as well as those who did not live with their parents, facing
incarceration odds at least 3 times as high as youths in mother-father
households. The small number of youths in father-only households unexpectedly showed no difference in odds of incarceration than did those in
mother-father households; these single fathers may represent special situations, in which the fathers are particularly suited to caring for their
children. Youths in father-stepmother households, on the other hand, had
high incarceration odds. When common background factors were included in Model 2, the overall explanatory power of the model improved
significantly— the difference in the model chi-square gives a goodness-offit test, w2
(15) 5 77.4, po.001—showing the importance of socioeconomic
background for chances of incarceration. We tested interaction terms to see
whether the background effects varied for certain family groups and
found background and family effects to be largely additive, other than for
White, nonintact families, who had a significant interaction for the odds of
incarceration (the odds on the interaction term is 2.02, po.05). Nevertheless, the family structure coefficients remained highly significant after
including common background variables.
basically there are other variables that intersect with father absenteeism (ie. poverty, low mother education, teen motherhood) that make outcomes worse, but when tested against families that don't have significant compounding factors (ie. affluent white single mothers with either family or hired help for childcare) a missing father figure was the major testable factor in criminality in the child.
interestingly a single-father household had no or negligible impact on criminality, but adding step-parents actually raised the chances of FATHERLESS BEHAVIOUR. -
2025-01-10 at 2:45 PM UTC
Originally posted by shitty titty Bc the south will rise again.
Also I think this was a polite way of saying yes so not only am I mortally wounded but I am going to team up with Kafka to fight this misogyny.
No you won't. You're useless, mindless and part of the problem because you didn't vote, have internalised misogyny, think this is all a joke and won't lift a finger to defend your country. You deserve to be lynched. -
2025-01-10 at 4:01 PM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas
basically there are other variables that intersect with father absenteeism (ie. poverty, low mother education, teen motherhood) that make outcomes worse, but when tested against families that don't have significant compounding factors (ie. affluent white single mothers with either family or hired help for childcare) a missing father figure was the major testable factor in criminality in the child.
interestingly a single-father household had no or negligible impact on criminality, but adding step-parents actually raised the chances of FATHERLESS BEHAVIOUR.
Children from single mother households are more liberated, have a freer mind and a greater concept of their self worth, are more enlightened and more empathic, and have a greater openness to new experience. They reject the bounds of social expectations and behave in a manner sometimes contrary to the norms society has laid out for them. Part of this is that they earn less money and incarceration is an issue, this is due to society behaving and reacting in a hostile, prejudicial and ignorant manner towards them, and is a problem that need to be addressed from a systemic, whole-of-society level. It is not due to any lesser work ethic or greater level of criminality on their part. -
2025-01-10 at 4:03 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 4:04 PM UTC
Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Children from single mother households are more liberated, have a freer mind and a greater concept of their self worth, are more enlightened and more empathic, and have a greater openness to new experience. They reject the bounds of social expectations and behave in a manner sometimes contrary to the norms society has laid out for them. Part of this is that they earn less money and incarceration is an issue, this is due to society behaving and reacting in a hostile, prejudicial and ignorant manner towards them, and is a problem that need to be addressed from a systemic, whole-of-society level. It is not due to any lesser work ethic or greater level of criminality on their part.
so in terms of outcomes they're more likely to be penetrated by a camp counselor -
2025-01-10 at 4:04 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 4:26 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 4:29 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 4:57 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 6:39 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 7:31 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 7:34 PM UTCWe should have occupied Russia when we had the chance in the 90s. Some people haven't earned the trust to be allowed to be free.
2025-01-10 at 7:57 PM UTC