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California Declares State of Emergency
2019-10-29 at 8:17 AM UTCI bet turning off the electricity made a bunch of bored arsonists who would otherwise be playing GTA5 go for a drive.
2019-10-29 at 9:36 AM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL They're doing that, too, though. They are using the power generation companies to intentionally start fires. It's the globalists. George Soros & Co., with the One World Order agenda. Their goal is to spread mass panic and strife from within, by any means possible, and lead the entire country into civil war and martial law and havoc and destruction. And once that is accomplished, once the country is reduced to chaos from within, they will waltz in as the heroes of the story, with their NATO army in tow, to establish their re-education centers and new rules.
2019-10-29 at 11:14 AM UTCThis shit is naturally made to burn. Seed pods won’t burn without extreme heat. They should not build there. The fire has evolved to burn.
2019-10-29 at 11:23 AM UTC
2019-10-29 at 6:45 PM UTC
2019-10-29 at 6:47 PM UTC
2025-01-09 at 4:38 PM UTC
2025-01-09 at 4:51 PM UTCI checked in with wozny and told him he can come stay with me if shit gets bad enough.
I told him we can't tell anyone about the site or what he did to me as a child. -
2025-01-09 at 4:52 PM UTCBREAKING NEWS: Governor Newsom Declares Smelts Have Priority Over the Safety of Californians.
2025-01-09 at 5:26 PM UTC
2025-01-10 at 7:01 PM UTCThis is all AI generated fake bullshit. Ain't no way there's a fire in the middle of January. You sheep will really believe anything they tell you to believe.
2025-01-11 at 2:22 PM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas
this is not it tho.
they already have the technology and the know how to prevent these fires, giant sprinklers that moist the soil and trees to prevent them from lighting up easily,
and it was far from incompetence that these fires started and the taps (fire plugs) that run dry,
these fires are all pre-scripted, preordained and pre-determined by the likes of african-american rock to forcefully evict and dispossess the current owners of these properties located in this prime location, and to buy their land at the price of dimes to the dollar for their worth.
in the coming days, these victims are giong to get calls and in-person visits by people who aggressively offer to buy their property as a kind of "corporate social responsibility" thing to aid those who are in need.
just like the "fire" that consumed maui. -
2025-01-11 at 6:07 PM UTCWozny is coming to Miami on Monday. We got him a bed and he passed the intake process over the phone.
2025-01-11 at 6:09 PM UTC
2025-01-11 at 6:22 PM UTC
2025-01-11 at 6:51 PM UTCI don't know why they just don't throw smelts at the fire.
2025-01-11 at 6:52 PM UTCcalifornia is burning folks. it be buuuuurining folks.
2025-01-11 at 6:53 PM UTC
2025-01-11 at 6:57 PM UTC
2025-01-11 at 7:34 PM UTCIt's chalk full of fascist Marxist commies and child molesters. Who the fuck should care if they're burning? Nobody.