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Elon wants the US to invade the UK
2025-01-06 at 6:48 PM UTC
2025-01-06 at 6:49 PM UTCEnough arguing Kafka, opposites attract remember, lets make sweet sweet love and I'll buy you a fancy handbag as a reward...just call me "daddy"
2025-01-06 at 6:54 PM UTCI don't fuck retards
2025-01-06 at 6:59 PM UTC
2025-01-06 at 7:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kafka During WW2 the UK gave civilians guns to defend themselves.
The UK is Uncle Sam's bitch, who is in turn the Chosen's bitch because all of our politicians are pedophiles. That's the pecking order.
The US has had it's ass kicked by guerrilla forces. Speedy could probably tell you about it, but they 1) had the backing of powerful countries 2) had training because of it 3) weren't Western marshmallows that need Walmart or Amazon to survive. -
2025-01-06 at 7:15 PM UTCYet Canadians were able to burn down the White House and they had to build a new one. Go figure.
2025-01-06 at 7:23 PM UTC
2025-01-06 at 7:26 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kafka I can't tell if you're really that crazed. This is Putin's war on the west and Elon's class war. He wants Europe to fall because our social security and national healthcare works and he doesn't want Americans to have an example to follow. You're less likely to rebel if the rest of the world is a shithole like America.
The EMP pulses will come in the Spring otherwise you would starve and freeze. You trucks (or lollies, as you say), farm equipment and furnaces (or bowlers, as you say) will not work. -
2025-01-06 at 7:39 PM UTC
2025-01-06 at 7:41 PM UTC
2025-01-07 at 4:06 AM UTCI eat potato salad in the middle of the night whenever possible
2025-01-07 at 4:18 AM UTCButnot a lot. Never a lot
2025-01-07 at 12:15 PM UTCEngland needs nationalism.
2025-01-07 at 12:17 PM UTCNationalism is a blight on humankind
2025-01-07 at 1:37 PM UTC
2025-01-07 at 1:41 PM UTCBlight was pretty bad for Ireland as far as I can remember.
They don't bring it up often. -
2025-01-07 at 3:29 PM UTCNear wiped out by a potato.
2025-01-07 at 4:21 PM UTC
2025-01-07 at 4:28 PM UTC
2025-01-07 at 5:17 PM UTCI could maybe cop Elon's personality as he is going to put us on mars but ever since he started slinging these discredited and racist stories about grooming gangs and supporting far right nazis i have no further liking for him