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Anyone else using Linux?
2025-01-03 at 7 PM UTC
2025-01-03 at 7:16 PM UTCI usually use base debian but been using parrot for the last year or so since someone recommended it
2025-01-03 at 8:03 PM UTCTried Debian and pretty much everything else. Nothing respects dark mode like Zorin tho.
I set up Zorin Core to look like Win11 (but with the tray on the far left). Also stayed with Chrome, which works exactly the same. My family members don't notice the diff.
I highly recommend Pinta for light photo editing. Easy to figure out. Most people are fine with Google Docs or free Office 365. Not a gamer but I guess gaming has gotten pretty good. -
2025-01-03 at 8:56 PM UTC
2025-01-04 at 2:18 PM UTC
2025-01-04 at 2:46 PM UTC
2025-01-04 at 3:36 PM UTCHelps if you have family or friends who use your computers. Most people don't want to become Linux hobbyists. They just want to use Chrome, edit some photos, play a couple of games, write a letter or go on Zoom. Some cheery wallpaper is always nice.
It's fun trying to figure out the most user friendly configuration for Linux. Here's what I do to Zorin:
*Chrome (deb file)
*Extension Manager
*Input Remapper (deb file)
*Plex server
*Blur My Shell extension
*Weather O'Clock extension
*Panel Scroll extension
*Gnome Clipboard extension
*Shutdown Timer extension
*Enlarge fonts in Tweaks to 1.10
*Swap Caps Lock and Esc in Tweaks
*Move Super key to Win-R in Tweaks
*Swap Ctrl-R and Win-R in Tweaks (If no Win-R key)
*Turn off Attach Modal Dialogues in Tweaks
*Enlarge Cursor to medium
*Install nautilus-admin
*Turn on Sound Keys
*Turn off auto screen lock
*Turn off auto login
*Open firewall ports for Zorin Connect and Plex
*Set clock to AM/PM and add day of week
*Reload my wallpapers from Google Drive
*Make Chrome website shortcuts
*Rearrange Taskbar
I keep this list for new installs. -
2025-01-04 at 3:54 PM UTCEwwww you have X and the daily mail installed.
2025-01-04 at 3:59 PM UTC
2025-01-04 at 4:32 PM UTCi have a VPS with debian 12 on it that i use to run an xmpp/jabber server and also a searxng instance.
i do not use linux for my daily driver OS, too much shit to configure to make it the way i want it to be. i use a mac because it looks great out the box and you can use all the linux programs via homebrew and macports. so yeah. -
2025-01-04 at 4:43 PM UTCNO sorry I only use TruthSocial and TruthOS
2025-01-04 at 4:46 PM UTC
2025-01-04 at 6:28 PM UTCAfter years and years of Mac machines locally and Debian on servers I switched to nixos as my daily driver about a year ago and I don’t think I’m going back. I have my complaints about nix, it’s far far from a perfect solution, but I think it’s where I’m going to stay for a while. Nixpkgs is too unstable for my tastes and it’s not at a point where you can sit on a release channel for 3 years like Debian yet. On the up side, migration between release channels in much much easier than Debian because of the declarative package management.
Kinda surprisingly I’m less happy with it on the server than locally. Again the rate of change is fast enough that upgrading is a regular thing and I have less excitement for the latest and greatest. Pinning deps is possible outside of flakes world but it’s not pretty. I’m thinking I’m going to move to docker based deployments on a nixos host, I don’t love it but I think the ecosystem has matured enough that there’s a sane way to do it without drinking the k8s koolaid (k8s k5d?) -
2025-01-06 at 7:04 AM UTCI’m using an old version of Lubuntu now, but I’ve been planning to try out Debian when I install something new.
2025-01-06 at 3:43 PM UTC
Originally posted by Dirtbag Ewwww you have X and the daily mail installed.
They're just Chrome shortcuts. Zorin stores them in Start/Other. You can add them to the taskbar or desktop from there.
I check the DM when I first get up (computer set to Suspend so I don't have to put in my password). They cover US news better than our scumbag media and are fast.
X has gotten boring. It's all Nazis so I have no one to argue with. It was fun when they were moving to TX just before the election and the Dems hijacked the algorithm. It was all pro Kammy stuff. -
2025-01-06 at 4:01 PM UTC
Originally posted by Tab Numlock They're just Chrome shortcuts. Zorin stores them in Start/Other. You can add them to the taskbar or desktop from there.
I check the DM when I first get up (computer set to Suspend so I don't have to put in my password). They cover US news better than our scumbag media and are fast.
X has gotten boring. It's all Nazis so I have no one to argue with. It was fun when they were moving to TX just before the election and the Dems hijacked the algorithm. It was all pro Kammy stuff.
The DM is for the underclass. The Guardian is better or the Independent. -
2025-01-06 at 4:11 PM UTCI use Windows because it's what I've been using since 2005.
2025-01-06 at 4:29 PM UTCLinus TORValds
never used Tor in his life, okay pal. -
2025-01-06 at 9:29 PM UTC
2025-01-07 at 2:02 AM UTCI use Mint from time to time.
Atlas os for gaming and win 10 for normal shit.
Mint is ok but my only complaint with it is if the computer goes to sleep the mouse wont work unless I unplug and plug it back in.