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A New Year LOOMS
2025-01-01 at 3:41 AM UTCEnough.
2025-01-01 at 3:42 AM UTCYikes. Ur all gross to me.
2025-01-01 at 3:42 AM UTC
2025-01-01 at 3:43 AM UTCAm I wrong?
2025-01-01 at 3:43 AM UTC
2025-01-01 at 3:43 AM UTCI am wrong.
2025-01-01 at 3:44 AM UTC
2025-01-01 at 3:45 AM UTC:/
2025-01-01 at 3:45 AM UTCNo.
2025-01-01 at 3:48 AM UTCAll of the effects if it’s true.
2025-01-01 at 3:49 AM UTCHow dumb to make it all seem sexual. Just a way to deviate the truth
2025-01-01 at 3:54 AM UTCWake UP.
2025-01-01 at 3:55 AM UTCWhat an odd conversation?
2025-01-01 at 3:57 AM UTCWake UP
2025-01-01 at 4:03 AM UTCEvery story depends on the author.
2025-01-01 at 4:07 AM UTC
2025-01-01 at 4:20 AM UTC
Originally posted by shitty titty You have a gf, a job, a degree, a roof over your head, food. You have no reason to be upset.
Do you remember the band Joy Division. Anything can happen sadly at the end when it's all Put Together so well. the dipshit Ian Curtis suicided just as the band was about to tour the USA> people in NYC bought the entire house out for 3 nights straight and they cancled because their lead singer suicided himself and of course the band moved on to become Joy Division
before you time I know.
this band had a similar situation. they were an "Arena Band that never was" called The Chaneleons UK.
They were about to go on tour, NYC first and the concert sold out. just a week before they were to take off their Young Manager Tony Fletcher had a fucking heart attack and died.
Absolute chaos can happen when you lease expect it to . the band broke up and 2 members went one way and 2 the other to form other bands but nothing like The Chameleons UK.
not everything is an everlasting ending of happiness.
Keep your guard up Folks. SHIT HAPPENS!
Chameleons UK Last Concert with Tony Fletcher in the Audience
2025-01-01 at 4:26 AM UTC
2025-01-01 at 4:26 AM UTCTone it down Beige!
2025-01-01 at 4:28 AM UTC
Originally posted by Landy Pamm Do you remember the band Joy Division. Anything can happen sadly at the end when it's all Put Together so well. the dipshit Ian Curtis suicided just as the band was about to tour the USA> people in NYC bought the entire house out for 3 nights straight and they cancled because their lead singer suicided himself and of course the band moved on to become Joy Division
before you time I know.
this band had a similar situation. they were an "Arena Band that never was" called The Chaneleons UK.
They were about to go on tour, NYC first and the concert sold out. just a week before they were to take off their Young Manager Tony Fletcher had a fucking heart attack and died.
Absolute chaos can happen when you lease expect it to . the band broke up and 2 members went one way and 2 the other to form other bands but nothing like The Chameleons UK.
not everything is an everlasting ending of happiness.
Keep your guard up Folks. SHIT HAPPENS!
Chameleons UK Last Concert with Tony Fletcher in the Audience
So what.