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Posting Elon Only
2024-12-27 at 5:10 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 5:10 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 6:47 AM UTCWhy do you waste time posting fake photos?
2024-12-27 at 7:10 AM UTCWhy does op suck at something he does so regularly
2024-12-27 at 8:06 AM UTClol Elon is crashing out so goddamn hard
2024-12-27 at 8:49 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 8:49 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 8:49 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 8:51 AM UTC
2024-12-27 at 3:51 PM UTC
2024-12-27 at 5:36 PM UTCelons bussy
2024-12-29 at 1:25 PM UTC
Originally posted by ner vegas lol Elon is crashing out so goddamn hard
I meant to make a thread about it but it's still ongoing
1. Elon publicly tweets that he hires Indians on H1B visas because domestic Americans aren't smart enough/don't work hard enough
2. He gets hard pushback from pop conservatives, basically asking why Americans should have to compete with foreigners for American jobs
3. he starts revoking their verification status and putting their accounts under review
4. they start a 'spaces' chat (which seems to just be a conference call/group chat), and Musk joins as 'Adrian Dittman' to defend himself, gets tooled on for an hour or so, culminating in Nick Fuentes coming in and ranting for half an hour straight, leading Musk to post and delete a bunch of angry tweets while waiting for his turn to talk and eventually leaves
5. several more 'spaces' culminating in one where Musk is now interviewing himself - Adrian 'Totally Not Elon' Dittman has opened a 'space' for him to interview Musk.
Drama aside the H1B (or really, all 'skilled' work visa) debate is interesting. Musk is framing his use of H1B visas as poaching highly skilled (in his words, the top 0.1%) engineers from other countries (primarily India). In reality though H1B applications are public data, and Tesla and SpaceX primarily hire H1Bs for entry to mid-level roles, often paying 30-50% below market value.
This appears to be the main purpose for H1B, as the 'top 0.1%' should ostensibly be covered by the much more selective O1 visa category. Several other CEOs have come out in support of Musk, some explicitly stating that H1B hires are much more cost-effective... which makes sense because they're willing to be paid significantly less in order to migrate, and can also be forced into extended duties and hours because they have no employment protection and are simply deported if fired.
***think this is the full first space with Laura Loomer and Nick Fuentes
2024-12-29 at 2:07 PM UTCi meant to write about this sooner but lost interest and had to baby sat.
basically its just asstounding how "americans" thought, and came to believe the "deep state" has been exorcised with the erection of trumpf at the 47th. its like, "americans" are so naive like they've never seen movie sequels. ja, flush the alien outta airlock and we're done. the end.
well its like, NO.
the deep state have already smelt the air and felt the dominant "american" sentiment with their forked tongue long before 2020 election and had prepared accordingly.
brandon was just a temporary delay fuse that they deployed to buy themselves time while they wiggle and jiggle out of their old skin into their newly shaped, newly sized and newly colored form factor.
anyone who thinks elon and the "enterprises" he "leads" that co-incidentally have multi billion dollar defense-related contracts with the state and yet somehow is not a part of the deep state cant tell the difference between an asshole and a vagina.
the deep state have long since shape shifted and metamorphed into things like elon musk that these dumb "americans" would not only accept, but also fervently and feverishly support.
and hopefully, with their dumb, fat ladden lives.
may they live to stand with and die for israel.
shalom. -
2024-12-29 at 5:59 PM UTCElon is not white
2024-12-29 at 6:39 PM UTC
2024-12-29 at 7:23 PM UTCCodename: "Lone Smuk". He's the guy who's going to forcibly drill a hole in your head and chip you and put satellites in space to monitor and control your every move, word, and thought. Welcome to the New World Order. You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.
2024-12-29 at 7:31 PM UTCThe launches are real, the "re-entry" landings are totally fake. They are installing their weapons systems in space. Weapons of mass destruction. And they're testing them, too. Testing them live, on real people, in real places, as they progress. The writing is on the wall. The web is closing fast.
2024-12-29 at 7:46 PM UTC
2024-12-29 at 9:04 PM UTC
2024-12-31 at 10:37 AM UTC