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some peoples kids.

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I started orientation today for a new job. and this younger chick just kept going on and on about her new baby how she hates rednecks and is going to raise her baby vegan and how abortion is wrong.

    I asked her "what are you going to do when the state wants your kid to get a mandatory vaccination to attend public school?"
    and she was like "wha?" and I said something along the lines of , "vaccines are made out of monkey kidneys, spinal fluid, and cells from aborted fetus's, doesn't seem to vegan to me..." and she got really pissed off.

    Some peoples kids...
  2. #2
    lol goddamn you suck, Bill Krozby.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^how so, mr empty pants?
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Don't worry about it Doug. Enter just says things to seem relevant. I remember when he was edgy as fuck on zoklet. I miss that guy.
  5. #5
    Don't worry about it Doug. Enter just says things to seem relevant. I remember when he was edgy as fuck on zoklet. I miss that guy.

    Aye, 'tis true. :(

    I'm stuck in a rut.

  6. #6
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm projecting. Dont' listen to me.
  7. #7
    GIrls with babies can pound sand. All I see is hordes of bitches going "fuck it, can't compete in life anymore better have a child so I can look like im busy and doing something with my life"

    and most of them are single WTF
  8. #8
    All I see is hordes of bitches going "fuck it, can't compete in life anymore better have a child so I can look like im busy and doing something with my life"

    hahahaha, true dat. good observashe.
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    GIrls with babies can pound sand. All I see is hordes of bitches going "fuck it, can't compete in life anymore better have a child so I can look like im busy and doing something with my life"

    and most of them are single WTF

    fucking this, i fucking loath single mothers.

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