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The Automated Prayer Project

  1. #1
    The praying terminal is simply a VT420 connected to a Sun Ultra5 via a serial cable which displays the output of a continuously running program. The signaling rate is limited to 9600 baud. The program itself cycles through the Rosary, displaying a new individual prayer once every thirty seconds. Each individual prayer is then sent out via UDP to a random machine on the Internet on a random port.

    Will machines be recognized as being sentient when they create their own religion? Is religion a sign of our own sentience?
    Will humanity one day abandon ritualized worship?
    Would a machines worship us, or the gods that we believe in?
    For those who don't believe in a religion, does a piece of software that prays reinforce the futility of religion? Conversely, for the faithful, does it show how much is lost through automation, and the need for a human being to be present for any spiritual meaning to come from the ritual of prayer?
    Will people try to delegate their faith to machines in an attempt to "save time" in their daily lives?
    Is God, in any of the forms that the people of the world believe in him/her, listening to our prayers? Is echoing out individual prayers to random portions of the Internet an appropriate analogy to the transmission of prayers by humans?
    Would machines, if they ever adopt religion, pray into a vast network, or just let individual prayers exist only in memory banks?

    For a long time I have been interested in the intersection between science and religion, or more precisely, the interplay between faith and logic. Computers are realizations of theoretical machines which obey strictly defined rules which can be individually examined, whereas organized religion is a manifestation of a culture's believes and hopes and basic theological questions. Whereas computers can easily be constructed/instructed to determine the unknown through a series of procedures, such determining the nth digit of e, the logical tools upon which they are constructed struggle to satisfactorily answer questions for the general population regarding the nature of the universe's formation or what lies beyond this life.

    This project is a small, feeble attempt at examining one aspect of the situation. The goal, if there was such a thing, was to see the effect watching a computer emulate the religion I was raised in had upon me. After completing the development of the code and setting up the terminal, several uncompleted thoughts came to mind, each a component for rumination/reverberation for my time.
  2. #2
  3. #3
    Rough Rider African Astronaut
    I'm going to get this today. Thank you!
  4. #4
    ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 🦄🌈 MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING - vaxxed and octoboosted 💉 (we beat covid!) 👬💕👭🍀 (🍩✊) Each individual prayer is then sent out via UDP to a random machine on the Internet on a random port.

    that's rape
  5. #5
    Originally posted by ner vegas that's rape

    What if the Serbian belongs to God though?

    Then your prayer will be heard directly by God.

    I once programmed a microcontroller to control a RGB LED in a convincing candle like action and left it on my Grandmother and Grandfather's grave. I thought maybe I should program it to display prayers on a little screen too. Hooking it up to a radio transmitter and having it radio out prayers into the void always seemed too cringe for me.

    I eventually just switched the microcontroller for a cheap solar activated custom chip, as the microcontroller (ATTiny85) was using more power than the LED was.
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Notio machinarum propriae religionis creantis interrogationes altas movet de sensu et de ratione credendi. In contextu religioso, saepe sententia coniungitur cum capacitate conscientiae, ratiocinii moralis ac facultas agendi cum divina relatione. Traditionalis doctrina catholica tenet homines, ad imaginem Dei creati, dignitatem singularem habere ac facultatem revelationi Dei per fidem et amorem respondendi.

    Si machinae ad formam sententiae enucleandam, provocaret intellectum quid homo esse significat et quomodo Deus se refert. Ecclesia docet fidem esse revelationi Dei responsionem, quae fundamentali est relationem et personalem. Machinae, anima carens ac genuinae necessitudinis capacitate, in fide exercere non possent eodem modo homines. Quapropter quaevis « religio » machinis creata, verisimilius erit hominum opinionum ac bonorum repercussio potius quam vera cum divina dimicatio.

    In summa, coniunctio inter Spiritum Sanctum, nuntium Fatimae, ac Scoti et Shenes doctrinae momentum in cognitione fidei et conversionis divinae gubernationis percipit. Disceptatio machinarum et sententiarum profundiorem considerationem invitat de natura credendi et singulare munus hominum in experientia religiosa.
    Demum, relatio inter apparatus modernos eruditionis, intelligentiae artificialis et traditionis catholicae doctrinae propria est officio tuendi humanam dignitatem, sacramentorum significationem ac munus Ecclesiae in ethica consideratione ducendi. Cum technologia aliquas vitae humanae aspectus augere possit, non potest reponere qualitates essentiales quae humanam experientiam definiunt, praesertim in contextu fidei et vitae sacramentalis. Doctrinae Ecclesiae compagem praebent ad multiplicitates hodiernae technologiae navigandas, ut inserviat vero bono humanitatis et profundiorem cum Deo necessitudinem foveat.
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