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My Big Dream

  1. #1
    Is that all the users who changed their usernames get insta-cancer in their dicks and die immediately. Fuck you faceless rats.

    I'm going to assume you're all fucking Randy Airlines. You pieces of shit.
  2. #2
    They're ashamed of who they used to be.
  3. #3
    I lost my password after a long meth/MDMA binge.
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Gues i'll sit here with dick cancer while muslims rape your country by the thousands.
  5. #5
    Shut up, Randy. There are literally no borders between our countries. You can just walk over. Do you think your government will protect you from any of that? Laughable. You will fall with us like the rest of Europe. Without Germany you are fucked as well.
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