On 30 May, this report concludes, Russia designated what was occurring in America as being a “Low-Intensity Conflict”—a designation most particularly noted because it unleashed the unmatched drone and spy satellite surveillance and tracking capability available to the CIA, the FBI and the US military—surveillance abilities that are able to track individuals by their unique electrical brain wave signatures able to be read and identified by satellites flying hundreds-of-miles above the surface of the earth—which makes it no surprise that the killer of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn was captured and arrested so quickly—but most concerning about, are surveillance capabilities that over the past week have further identified numerous known to be US military operatives participating in ANTIFA terrorist actions—some of whom include 36-year-old Aaron Evanshine and 24-year-old Brian Contreras, both of whom were captured while driving a car full of knives, bricks and gas canisters heading to New York City from Ohio—20-year-old Dakota Gifford, who was captured while driving a car loaded with guns in Tennessee—23-year-old Branden Michael Wolfe, who was captured and arrested by the FBI for burning down a police station in Minneapolis—31-year-old Gregory Wong, who was captured with his massive arsenal of weapons while wearing a US military uniform—and 28-year-old Matthew Rupert, who was captured while bringing bombs to Minneapolis while on a mission to destroy parts of the city—all of whose captures come at the same exact same time the FBI is saying it’s found no evidence of ANTIFA involvement in riots or protests—but could find if they changed the name of ANTIFA to any of the rogue US military units causing this chaos like the CIA has done
well, i'd been pointing out the wrongdoings of the intelligence community, particularly Army intel and their connections to the stasi/bolshevik gangstalking or zersetzung stuff, for quite a while. i mentioned it several times on this site.
took them long enough.really only seems they began to fix things when it got messy for trump with their coup attempts, i pointed out a lot of the antifa types, riots and stuff, are supported actively with intel from the US military.
the intel leaks are bad, real bad, and we still have a lot of work to do. the scary thing is, those same biometric drones that caught these retarded assfucks are still accessed by some of these bolshevik/antifa commanders
some of them hide well, we'll never catch all of them probably, but the message is what's important.
It's crazy people still believe the gov doesn't have the ability to track people based on their brainwave signature. It's like tracking and uniquely identifying a phone based on the RFI it leaks, only in mostly.ELG range