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I got a B- in statistics on a 3 month nutmeg delirium

  1. #21
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Understand social hierarchy in relation with medicine, paralleling wit language of math.
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Malice Why in the fuck would you do that if you were in college?

    its fun and i pass anyway
  3. #23
    Originally posted by spacepantz what do you care?.

    he doesnt want to feel inferior to me
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Malice Whose fault was it that you spent 3 months (unless you're exaggerating) delirious from nutmeg?

    Why in the fuck would you do that if you were in college? The first two years are pretty much highschool 2.0 and a complete joke, but when you have classes where conscientiousness matters, actually putting in some significant work/effort, this kind of behavior is going to cause you to fail and potentially drop out, if you even reach that level to begin with.

    Really, what does the fact that this happened to begin with say about you?

    sploo will be fine, don't be such a nutter butter, is a quintessential sensationalist and you're failing his scoring high on his autist score board

    Originally posted by Malice Whose fault was it that you spent 3 months (unless you're exaggerating) delirious from nutmeg?

    Why in the fuck would you do that if you were in college? The first two years are pretty much highschool 2.0 and a complete joke, but when you have classes where conscientiousness matters, actually putting in some significant work/effort, this kind of behavior is going to cause you to fail and potentially drop out, if you even reach that level to begin with.

    Really, what does the fact that this happened to begin with say about you?
  5. #25
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    You should eat a finger nail.
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