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The Scronoldo Intervention

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Dargo Ok. Have a constructive conversation with Scrawny. One degenerate to another. Show me how it's done.

    Bill Krozby is cool we email all the time.
  2. #42
    detox from what?. Im not on fucking heroin.

    Originally posted by Dargo
    Scrawny, I just don't know what else to say to you.

    As Narcissist said, all you do is sit around consuming drugs and shitposting. For as much shit as everyone gives you, it's actually rather unfortunate to watch you squander your youth, and ultimately your life. Either get help, or end it. But don't continue to ruin the board.

    no you are delusional I just bailed my friend outta jail.

    its my birthday.

    You people dug your own grave with your shitty forum, blame me all you want but you fucked it up all on your own. You could have a good forum and I would post good stuff but nope

    You just had to rattox me and post my PI, IP, ban me on TC and delete ban me into a wormhole.

    Too bad, should have not been such fucking faggots. sucks to be you my life is great.

    Every time I post anything I just get banned, same with bling. you are all faggots and cucks I just wnana stalk HTS-waifu and you cock block me

    Last person who cock blocked me was hospitalized for pissing me off. Keep it up you will suffer a similar fate.

    Also the reason for my last ban after I was being good
    "You suck"

    Lanny is just jealuos that every female is wants me. Im' a polygamist trianglist you are all jealous as fuck.

    GP ahread abnd rtattox me on my birthday you fucking card carying cuck faggots. You think I'm sad? I dont sit around reading 30,000 FUCKING POSTS trying to find someonees PI…. VEERY VEERY SAD OFFICER RISIR DO YOU REALLY HAVE NO GIRLS TOTALK TO ???


    Get a life faggots, go to work and sell crack maybe you can be as cool as me 1 day.

    Post last edited by Galaxy Kitten at 2017-06-25T06:02:05.964180+00:00

    Post last edited by Galaxy Kitten at 2017-06-25T06:05:32.099459+00:00
  3. #43
    Lol what in the actual fuck

    Bill Krozby, allow me to clarify, regular use of meff is bad breh
  4. #44
    I just rattoxed scronaldos door NWEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE
  5. #45
    What's ratoxxing, besides not quoting properly and posting the same reply repeatedly? Lol
  6. #46
    Some stupid meth shit he made up idk.

    I have been fucking with him so hard he is snapping. I convinced him I killed myself now I act depressed and suicidal and say im ready to SELF TAUGHT MAN myself…

    So hes like okay come over have some beer.

    But every time he tries to open the door I grab the handle and hold onto it with all my might so he cant open it and I text him like "BRO WTF HOW HIGH ARE YOU YOU LET ME DOWN!!!!"

    He is probably gonna burn the place down haha classic. I rattoxed his door.

    He just turned up the music really loud I think hes losing it!!!
  7. #47
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kinkou Lol what in the actual fuck

    Bill Krozby, allow me to clarify, regular use of meff is bad breh

    I know it is you derpadew, thats why I've only used it once in the past 9 months, you drunk bimbo
  8. #48
    Really, so you've met and you're trying to induce a house fire?

    I'm glad someone's awake. I'm going to be one lonely bitch the next few hours.
  9. #49
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kinkou What's ratoxxing, besides not quoting properly and posting the same reply repeatedly? Lol

    rats are snitches, but you know what they say snitches get bitches!
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I know it is you derpadew, thats why I've only used it once in the past 9 months, you drunk bimbo

    I'm not drunk :( actually I just woke up and can no longer sleep... is anyone in tc? I'm going to come there while I hit my coffee in a few.
  11. #51
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kinkou Really, so you've met and you're trying to induce a house fire?

    I'm glad someone's awake. I'm going to be one lonely bitch the next few hours.

    I'm not trying to induce any house fire, you're mixing up to different users post, mmmmk?
  12. #52
    Naw I was replying to soacepantz and you interrupted fantastically
  13. #53
    RestStop Space Nigga
    I google imaged searched "intervention" and this was immediately my favorite pic that came up within the first 3 pages...

    I'm definitely 'Mirin/Jelly of that fat ass cloud. I can't decide which though.
  14. #54
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^the plight of the cloud....
  15. #55
    holy fucking shit lol
  16. #56
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    is this what interventions are really like?

  17. #57
    dude, i think so, a lil bit

    ya know, the off camera ones lol
  18. #58
    RisiR † 29 Autism

    This is what happens when I plant a seed. Look at the fear and terror I caused in him. He will never get better, be the same old Scrawny. Ahh, beautiful. I wish the other victims like Idio and Rocklin would've stuck around and shared their madness caused by me.

    Do you remember the good times, Scron? How it was to be the official Enginigga of NIS. All gone and why? Because you didn't listen. I busted all of your lies and made you into a permabanned joke.

    Thank you, Bundy and Methamphetamine for making this possible.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #59
    thats evil, man
  20. #60
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sad but true. Had the whole world in his hands, takes a long tech break, buys one little bag one random night and everything spirals out of control, and it's all , apparently , Lannys fault.

    So sad. Thoughts and prayers.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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