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  1. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Communist monopolies and rip off artists. This is why i'm building my own networking company with pirate radio internet and t.13 efax machines in the telecom capital of Canada because every ISP is run by literal jedi nazis

    back in the 1950's people thought data would be free and sent instantly and now they have data caps and force you to use shitty expensive networks that treat data like KwH. It's a big scam folx!

    Got dang bro, calm down. there is no Jew conspiracy just bolsheviks and not all of them were Jewish though the majority were.

    I read carl marx was born a Jew but was one of the few who not only practice religion but converted to Christianity and then just dumped on the Jewish people because clearly though many are athiest, there is a lot of Jew hate in Russia which is why they sent Russian Jews (mostly athiest communist) to be "Jews" coming home. they control Hollywood (if you want to accuse Hollywood being run by them) yet as you see in many twitter posts, "I am Culturally Jewish but Atheist"

    Seth Rogan being the highlight of that as a common post. like why would you believe you were the descendent of Shem if you dont believe in God? you can't be a Semite if you dont believe in God. because it's just a "Silly myth for children".

    where is Rabbi T. Weed to explain this to us? COME ON THIN VEIL RABBI T. COME EXPLAIN THIS OFF FOR US
  2. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    .. I kind of like Seth Rogan though. he's weird funny.

    Rogan is not a J'ewish name by the way. Joe Rogan is Italian and Irish not a J'ew.

    AI Quote:
    The name Rogan is an anglicized version of the Irish surname "Ó Ruadhagáin", which translates to "son of Ruadhagán". "Ruadhagán" is a personal name that comes from the Irish word ruadh, which means "red" or "redhead".

    Red Head which Seth is but not Joe.

    photo of Joe as a kid (also lived in San Francisco as well as Boston for a while)
    italian/irish mix is usually called a Ginny or Black Irish.

  3. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    there's gotta be a way to do this without starlink
    This script will allow you to send a fax from a POTS line to a fax server running this code and convert the fax into a 4chan post
    import py_4chan
    import pytesseract
    from PIL import Image

    FAX_IMAGE_PATH = 'fax_image.tiff'

    def extract_text_from_image(image_path):
    img =
    ocr_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
    cleaned_text = ocr_text.strip()
    return cleaned_text

    def post_to_4chan(board, thread_id=None, message=None, subject=None):
    board = py_4chan.Board(board)

    if thread_id is None:
    subject = subject or "Fax Meme"
    post_response = board.create_thread(subject=subject, comment=message)
    post_response = board.post_reply(thread_id, comment=message)

    if post_response.ok:
    print("Successfully posted on 4chan.")
    print("Failed to post. Status:", post_response.status_code)

    if __name__ == "__main__":
    extracted_text = extract_text_from_image(FAX_IMAGE_PATH)
    print("Extracted Text:", extracted_text)

    if extracted_text:
    board_name = 'b'
    thread_id = None
    post_to_4chan(board=board_name, thread_id=thread_id, message=extracted_text)

    someone post this on /g/ this is revolutionary tech if the phone network can be replaced with a ham radio or something

    everyone on 4chan is too busy trying to use AI to generate child sex abuse material and deepfake porn of Kamala
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Far McFar Got dang bro, calm down. there is no Jew conspiracy just bolsheviks and not all of them were Jewish though the majority were.

    I read carl marx was born a Jew but was one of the few who not only practice religion but converted to Christianity and then just dumped on the Jewish people because clearly though many are athiest, there is a lot of Jew hate in Russia which is why they sent Russian Jews (mostly athiest communist) to be "Jews" coming home. they control Hollywood (if you want to accuse Hollywood being run by them) yet as you see in many twitter posts, "I am Culturally Jewish but Atheist"

    Seth Rogan being the highlight of that as a common post. like why would you believe you were the descendent of Shem if you dont believe in God? you can't be a Semite if you dont believe in God. because it's just a "Silly myth for children".

    where is Rabbi T. Weed to explain this to us? COME ON THIN VEIL RABBI T. COME EXPLAIN THIS OFF FOR US

    Not those hebrews, I mean the ones in the Israeli tech sector.
    and the FUCKERS that own all the copper lines and trunks and all their government friends.
  5. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    keep processing it mad era
  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  7. FAX viruses are real, folks.
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    40Hex Number 9 Volume 2 Issue 5 File 000

    Welcome to the ninth issue of 40 Hex! This month brings lots of exciting
    and neat-o stuff. The feature article this month is Dark Angel's tutorial on
    SYS infections. As always, we have more virii news and more disassemblies and
    yes, even more debug scripts. A few quick notes:

    - Join PS/Net! Contact your friendly neighborhood Phalcon/Skism sysop
    for details.

    - We have been copied extensively by virtually every virus group in
    existence and, with few exceptions, have not been given credit for
    our work. It is getting tedious, to say the least, to reread what
    we have already written. In the future, please don't be quite so

    - Landfill is down again, but a new board, Liquid Euphoria, run by
    our newest member, Hawkmoon, has taken its place. The board is
    stable and will not go down without warning, we promise! Call it,
    love it, hold it as your own. Special thanks to Hawkmoon for
    editing portions of 40Hex.

    - All are invited to contribute to 40Hex, be it in the form of an
    article, original virus, or whatever. Contact a Phalcon/Skism
    board for details.

    - Finally, happy new year to all virus and anti-virus people everywhere!
    The new year promises to bring more nify innovations in both virii and
    viral toolkits from Phalcon/Skism. Stay tuned.

    40Hex-9 Table of contents
    December 31, 1992

    File Description
    40Hex-9.000......................You Are Here!
    40Hex-9.001......................40Hex Editorial
    40Hex-9.002......................SYS Virii
    40Hex-9.003......................Phoenix 2000 Debug Dump
    40Hex-9.004......................More antidebugger techniques
    40Hex-9.005......................Virus Spotlite: 4096
    40Hex-9.006......................Nina disassembly
    40Hex-9.007......................A New Virus Naming Convention
    40Hex-9.008......................Code Optimization
    40Hex-9.009......................FirstStrike's Catfish virus

    Greets to: All Phalcon/Skism members, FirstStrike, Apache Warrior,
    [NuKE], ex-Senior Engineers of Data Plus, and virus writers

    40Hex Number 9 Volume 2 Issue 5 File 001

    40-Hex Editorial:
    VX: What the Hell's happened?
    by DecimatoR

    Please note, the opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of all
    the Phalcon/Skism members, and this article was not intentionally directed
    towards one group or individual in particular.

    1991: The virus scene was almost nonexistent. A handful of virus
    boards populated the earth, the biggest being the Virus Exchange in
    Bulgaria. In the US, only a very few boards had viruses.. and those which
    did ALL had less than 100. If you had 80 viruses back then, you were God.
    Today, just one year later, if you have less than 800 you're LAME. Viruses
    are everywhere. Unfortunately, almost NONE of them are original. They're
    all hacks of hacks of hacks of hacks, or else all cranked out by MPC or VCL,
    the 2 virus generation programs in mass distribution. No one (save a few)
    writes original code anymore. The recent flood of lame viruses all prove
    that. MPC and VCL account for over half of the "new" viruses released each
    day - and ALL the viruses generated by those programs are scannable before
    they even get compiled. So why do people keep using the programs? Why
    create 30 viruses which all do the same thing, except maybe on a different
    day, or using a different text string? Why? I'll tell you why. Because
    the kids using MPC and VCL are basically talentless programmers who think
    it's cool to stick their name in a program and pass it around. They believe
    they'll achieve god-like fame in the underground by creating these little
    clones and changing a few bytes. Are these people cool? Hardly. It takes
    true talent to create a virus. It takes brains and skill to write a virus
    which will work as planned, avoid detection, and propagate itself. The
    authors of MPC and VCL are very talented programmers. Unfortunately, the
    users of their programs are just the opposite. REAL virus programmers have
    a desire to LEARN assembler - it's a test of their skill and ability. The
    users of MPC and VCL don't have that desire. They only have a desire for
    recognition - and seeing their name in a virus is a massive ego trip for
    them. Why? They did nothing that any Joe Blow couldn't have done using a
    code generator. If they REALLY want to prove how cool they are, let THEM
    write a damn virus generation program and release it. THAT ALONE will show
    the world their skill and ability. As for USING the program, well, I'm more
    impressed with a nicely formatted term paper using WordPerfect than I am
    with viruses created using MPC and VCL. If you're one of the lame idiots
    who uses MPC or VCL for "writing" viruses, then listen up - those programs
    were written for 2 reasons - to prove the programmer could write such a
    thing, and to be used as a LEARNING TOOL for future virus writers - NOT to
    be abused the way they currently are. Stop acting lame and actually CREATE
    an ORIGINAL virus for once, people! And if you find that's impossible, then
    get the hell out of the scene and let the people who CAN program do it!
  9. HEX works great for obfuscating shellcode.
  10. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ HEX works great for obfuscating shellcode.

    oh you were there when I posted that? do you remember the user name No it wasn't Gr*en***m

    was it a hex project? whatever it was.. it was a simple pounding out on the keys (I dont think copy/paste existed on older telnet browser)

    it was an introduction to the serious libertarianist klan
  11. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    RIPTERM was what I was working on with an application to build a menu for my own WWIV board but TADA the Internet was coming to town. we didn't get it until 1998. took fucking forever. I got DSL and two months later Cable Internet came (or however long it was)

    Mash what are you doing. why you hiding all of a sudden. dont you watch this in RTT mode?
  12. Originally posted by Far McFar oh you were there when I posted that? do you remember the user name No it wasn't Gr*en***m

    was it a hex project? whatever it was.. it was a simple pounding out on the keys (I dont think copy/paste existed on older telnet browser)

    it was an introduction to the serious libertarianist klan

    What great about HEX is you can write in executable code, and then HEX the whole thing and run it on a visiting HTTP browser "on-the-fly". Deadly fast, too. Most scanners don't check for HEX attacks.
  13. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What great about HEX is you can write in executable code, and then HEX the whole thing and run it on a visiting HTTP browser "on-the-fly". Deadly fast, too. Most scanners don't check for HEX attacks.

    shhh Mash is doxing u while watching in real time text
  14. CandyRein Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Now the dumbshit Marxist democrats want Biden back.
  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now the dumbshit Marxist democrats want Biden back.

  17. Kafka sweaty
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Wasn't expecting to be awake rn, think I've been nocturnal for a month. Idk if I should do something productive or try to rest.
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Far McFar Tuskegee Airman
    Spent 3 hours on the phone with my new medical provider kicking in 2025. turns out the threats of "pay first or get dropped" was bogus.

    more harassing calls that are bullshit. Where is Beeno, Mash? nice spoofing the user number and name.

    keep it up, boys!
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