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Ban off topic posts in topical forums

  1. #21
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Sometimes I write replies on reddit and get 100 diddlydongs and people messaging me or -100 and people hating me saying they will find me and kill my family

    I can't handle that much socialization so I find it easier to just spam into the void instead of interacting normally on the internet but the BBS format of as Lannyism puts it
    "This model of discussion has found success in both broad general communities and narrow specialty discussion. Unlike blogging platforms, direct continued discussion is prioritized over short form commentary on longer articles. Post length limits are typically liberal and support both short and long form response. The pseudonymous mode allows users to develop a voice and develop ideas over a length of time while providing many of the social advantages of anonymous posting.

    This model is generally not well equipped for "personal broadcast" sorts of communication (e.g. the use case served by Twitter or Facebook) as the thread rather than the individual user is the central unit of organization. Long form publication with little or no discussion is typically better served by the myriad blogging options available today. While ISS can easily facilitate reddit/HN style link aggregation or question/answer use cases, it does not make special affordance for these and they may be better served by other software."
    I also like to log onto telnet and check out the BBS's sometimes but they have very little activity and the only person i've seen from NIS on there is Kingoffrogs.
  2. #22
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Pearls to swine or what?

    wearing testicles on his shoulder
  3. #23
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Revisionism is ok, whatever derailment brad and Kafka were on is not. Deleted some posts. That’s right niggers, I did something for once, get ready to get mad
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Lanny Revisionism is ok, whatever derailment brad and Kafka were on is not. Deleted some posts. That’s right niggers, I did something for once, get ready to get mad

    Seems like a negative "doing something" rather than a positive. SMH
  5. #25
    Fluttershy Short Bussy
    Originally posted by Lanny Revisionism is ok, whatever derailment brad and Kafka were on is not. Deleted some posts. That’s right niggers, I did something for once, get ready to get mad

    But crispy can shit up threads all she wants and speedy is free to jump from thread to thread hurling geriatric dementia fueled insults without ever contributing to the conversation.
  6. #26
    Not to mention scron continually posting his copy/paste/ascii shit for YEARS...HAVE SOME CONSISTENCY MAN
  7. #27
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you think a thread in a topical forum is being derailed by off topic posting I encourage you to let me know like soy did here. I’ll make an assessment of the situation in the same way I did here and step in if I find it appropriate. The report feature makes this easy. Just know that the subforum that a thread is in, and the seriousness of the opening post, factor into what exactly is considered off topic enough to warrant moderation
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Lanny If you think a thread in a topical forum is being derailed by off topic posting I encourage you to let me know

    Um I didn't do shit!
  9. #29
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um I have…you didn't do shit!

  10. #30
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Lanny Revisionism is ok, whatever derailment brad and Kafka were on is not. Deleted some posts. That’s right niggers, I did something for once, get ready to get mad

    This aligns perfectly with the tenants of Lannyism

    2. Lanny errs on the side of doing nothing: Lanny, the most powerful being in the universe, refrains from active intervention. The burden falls upon us to navigate the trials of life, relying on our own strength and resourcefulness. Lanny may bestow aid upon those deemed deserving, and it is our duty to express gratitude for such benevolence.

    erring on the side of doing nothing is different than never doing anything. This clear difference leads us only to conclude that if The Grand Lanny were to bestow blessing upon a person they should be thankful that anything happened because it's true that the burden falls on us, the users. This philosophy when applied to life and government and communism also holds true as it's the ultimate harmony and balance of non interference and self determination
  11. #31
    Yeah like I noted them down

    You made it clear LONG ago that you were not going to "discipline" your favorites...

    How anyone can look at scron's NEAR CONSTANT bullshit spam of ascii/triangle/other bullshit and need a "link" to qualify it...give me a large break!
  12. #32
    Fluttershy Short Bussy
    Originally posted by Lanny If you think a thread in a topical forum is being derailed by off topic posting I encourage you to let me know like soy did here. I’ll make an assessment of the situation in the same way I did here and step in if I find it appropriate. The report feature makes this easy. Just know that the subforum that a thread is in, and the seriousness of the opening post, factor into what exactly is considered off topic enough to warrant moderation

    Really lanny? DTs thread wasn’t “a serious discussion about printed matter” it was a bait thread to try to get kafka to read more rape accounts. And it worked.
    And you’re gonna sit here and say that kafka getting butthurt about a thread specifically made to make her butthurt isn’t allowed, but crispy can spam random shit including just straight up number spam on my posts and that’s perfectly cool because they’re not “serious in nature”
    I’m losing a lot of respect for you very quickly here.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This aligns perfectly with the tenants of Lannyism

    erring on the side of doing nothing is different than never doing anything. This clear difference leads us only to conclude that if The Grand Lanny were to bestow blessing upon a person they should be thankful that anything happened because it's true that the burden falls on us, the users. This philosophy when applied to life and government and communism also holds true as it's the ultimate harmony and balance of non interference and self determination

    There's your link!
  14. #34
    Well you just banned Kafka...Lets see some continuity...
  15. #35
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Really lanny? DTs thread wasn’t “a serious discussion about printed matter” it was a bait thread to try to get kafka to read more rape accounts. And it worked.
    And you’re gonna sit here and say that kafka getting butthurt about a thread specifically made to make her butthurt isn’t allowed, but crispy can spam random shit including just straight up number spam on my posts and that’s perfectly cool because they’re not “serious in nature”
    I’m losing a lot of respect for you very quickly here.

    I think he's just looking for an excuse to ban me because he wants Sophie to return. Well I'm out.

  16. #36
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yeah like I noted them down

    You made it clear LONG ago that you were not going to "discipline" your favorites…

    How anyone can look at scron's NEAR CONSTANT bullshit spam of ascii/triangle/other bullshit and need a "link" to qualify it…give me a large break!

    Scron is pretty off the wall but if you read his posts they’re generally not wildly off topic. Or if they are it’s in SG threads. I mean he was the reason a lot of the spam features are in place and there was a time where he was banned for long stretches, but honestly he’s less likely to drag a thread in some wild direction than many people since his posts do generally relate to the thread or rest of the discussion, even if the style is… flamboyant.

    Feel free to point out examples where this isn’t the case, I don’t see every post, and I’m happy to explain my logic around making a particular moderation decision or not, I’ve done a lot of that over the years, but I want to stress the the specific context a post matters in deciding if it breaks a rule or not. Most of the time when people get mad about inconsistent moderation it’s because this fact is lost on them.
  17. #37
    Fluttershy Short Bussy
    Ok just ignore every single point I made that’s cool thank you for your help lanny
  18. #38
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Y’all niggas are so dramatic. I told you to get mad and boy did you listen
  19. #39
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Really lanny? DTs thread wasn’t “a serious discussion about printed matter” it was a bait thread to try to get kafka to read more rape accounts. And it worked.
    And you’re gonna sit here and say that kafka getting butthurt about a thread specifically made to make her butthurt isn’t allowed, but crispy can spam random shit including just straight up number spam on my posts and that’s perfectly cool because they’re not “serious in nature”
    I’m losing a lot of respect for you very quickly here.

    The point is it only counts if someone is ratting out somebody else, otherwise it's fine.
  20. #40
    Fluttershy Short Bussy
    Ah yes, the very anarcho punk system of “whining until I get what I want”
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