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homemade energy weapon, slowing down planes, freezing them in place
2024-10-04 at 1:21 PM UTC
2024-10-04 at 1:53 PM UTC
Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina thermodynamics have nothing to do with motion
Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs Always figured Gaylock was a Bradley alt. Gay Related Immune Deficiency….
Well, they do but that has nothing to do with the premise of the videos. That has more to do with stuff like free energy or perpetual motion, entropy always increases in a closed system etc
It's about the transfer of energy you fuckin retards. An object in relative motion has inertia. You can't just stop it mid flight, where does the energy go? Presumably this fake "beam" or whatever you're shooting it with just sucks the inertia out but how? Where does it go? And how do you put it back in to make it move again?
This is literally just sci fi bullshit tech like a tractor beam or whatever that doesn't exist cause if it did it would reinvent society. It would be extremely valuable, there's no incentive to keep a lid on it and not use it for anything besides trolling schizos at 2am by stopping planes in the air -
2024-10-04 at 1:55 PM UTCBut also, the GRIDS association was 100% on my mind when I made this account. So good catch there. Sometimes free association schizo brain makes the right connection by pure happenstance
2024-10-04 at 2:48 PM UTC
2024-10-04 at 2:49 PM UTC
2024-10-04 at 3:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina so, you confused newtonian laws for thermodynamic laws,
No. Thermodynamics deals with the transformation of energy. Removing an object's inertia without some mechanism of transference means destroying its kinetic energy. You just fail to understand the equivalence between matter and energy. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you, you're clearly some barely literate shit đť—Śkin. -
2024-10-04 at 3:15 PM UTC
2024-10-08 at 6:01 AM UTChttps://old.bitchute.com/video/a2UDNqk1W6kz/
Sure is a lot of "changing direction" ....for a plane with a known flight path and direction -
2024-10-08 at 6:18 AM UTC
2024-10-08 at 3:24 PM UTCAll I saw was a real grainy artifact laced video shot by a unsteady camera.
2024-10-09 at 12:29 AM UTC
2024-10-09 at 5:30 AM UTC
2024-10-09 at 5:34 AM UTCYou don’t scare me, kid.
2024-10-09 at 5:59 AM UTCscare kid don’t you me
2024-10-09 at 5:47 PM UTCKid, you don’t scare me.
2024-10-09 at 6:58 PM UTCMe scare kid you don't
2024-10-09 at 7:12 PM UTCkids scare me, you don't
2024-10-09 at 7:34 PM UTCDon't kid me you scare
2024-10-09 at 7:35 PM UTCDon't you scare me, kid!
2024-10-09 at 7:35 PM UTCDon't kid me, scare you.