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If you have BEEF… Speak up! Stop being a pussy, and just say it!

  1. #61
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    according to fidcuia supplicans everyone is a sinner, nobody is a "phile" and all must be offered a loving a challenge that aligns with human dignity and natural identity
  2. #62
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I thought of that, but decided I'll not subscribe to mental illness.

    That's racist
  3. #63
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Of all the Gospel passages that I have found helpful in ministry with LGBTQ people, the beautiful story of Zacchaeus—has been the most meaningful for me (Lk 19: 1-10).

    At first glance, the story of Jesus’s encounter with the tax collector in Jericho would seem to have little to do with LGBTQ people today. But if you read it carefully, this passage from Luke’s Gospel, a masterpiece of storytelling, has a great deal to say about all those who find themselves marginalized.

    Now I don’t want to imply that LGBTQ people are always and everywhere “marginalized.” But it’s fair to say that in the Catholic Church many of them feel that way. So as we read the Gospel, I would like to invite you to see Zacchaeus as an emblem of the LGBTQ person. Notice all the subtle resonances in the story.

    To begin with, Luke tells us that Zacchaeus is the “chief tax collector” in Jericho. Now, that would have meant that he was probably “on the outs” with most of the people in this predominantly jedi town, not only because he was colluding with the Roman authorities, but also because tax collectors had the reputation of skimming money off the top.

    My old New Testament professor Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, used to say that when we read “chief tax collector” here, we should think “chief sinner.” But by using Zacchaeus as a way of seeing the LGBTQ person, I’m not saying LGBTQ people are any more sinful than anyone else–we’re all sinners in one way or another. Rather, they often feel “on the outs,” especially in the church. Like Zacchaeus probably did in Jericho.

    At the beginning of the story, Zacchaeus is described as “short in stature.” Luke means that he was physically small. But how little “stature” do LGBTQ people have in the church today? They are often ignored, excluded, not listened to. And, says Luke, Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus “because of the crowd.” Again, that means that he couldn’t see over their heads, but how often does “the crowd” get in the way of LGBTQ people encountering God? How often are we part of “the crowd” that prevents people with “little stature” from coming to know God? How often is the church part of “the crowd”?

    So what does Zacchaeus do? He climbs a sycamore tree. (The homey touch of identifying the precise type of tree gives this story an added sense of historicity.) Why does he climb a tree? Because he wanted to “see Jesus.” (The original Greek is even more moving: he wanted “to see who Jesus was.”) That’s what LGBTQ Catholics want today as well: to “see Jesus.” But the crowd often gets in the way. So they must do something extra—go out on a limb—just to see what everyone else sees.

    As Jesus is passing through Jericho (with what would probably have been a sizeable crowd, since this story comes towards the end of his public ministry) he spies the diminutive tax collector perched high in the sycamore tree. Jesus then invites himself to the man’s house, a public sign of welcome. “Zacchaeus,” says Jesus, “come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house!” Jesus is offering him what New Testament scholars call “table fellowship.”

    Then comes my favorite line in the story: “When they all saw this, they began to grumble.” The Greek word used here is panta, all, which would have included the disciples as well. All began to grumble. Why? Because showing mercy to those on the margins always infuriates some people. It did in Jesus’s time and it does in ours.

    So the next time you see someone opposing mercy to LGBTQ people, remember this line: “They began to grumble.”

    But that does not deter Zacchaeus at all. He shinnies down the tree and “stands there” (the Greek word used has the implication of “standing one’s ground”). And he receives Jesus “with joy.” Of course! How joyful it is to be welcomed into the community! Many LGBTQ people know the joy of finally feeling welcomed.

    Then Zacchaeus makes a public declaration: If he has defrauded anyone, he will repay them four times over and he will give half his money to the poor. This is usually considered to be Zacchaeus’s conversion, from whatever sins he had committed. And indeed, in the Gospels, any encounter with Jesus provokes a conversion. (By the way, I’m not alluding to “conversion therapy,” but rather to metanoia, the word Jesus used for the change of mind and heart that we are all called to.)

    But recently I discovered something surprising about this Gospel passage. The English translation that we use at Mass, from the New American Bible, is this: “Half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor.” But the original Greek is in the present tense: “I give (or am giving) half of my possessions to the poor.” Zacchaeus seems to be already doing that.

    In other words, the conversion that is occurring may be not only Zacchaeus’s conversion, but the crowd’s conversion as well, as Jesus reveals to them that the one who was on the “outside” is more generous than they had ever imagined. How often is that the case with LGBTQ people, after people in the church come to know them!

    At the end of the story, Jesus calls Zacchaeus a “Son of Abraham.” It’s a phrase that would have resonated deeply with the jedi crowd. Later in Luke, Jesus calls the woman who was “bent over” the “Daughter of Abraham” after he has healed her (13:16). In both cases, Jesus is reminding the crowd that “they” are part of “us.”

    In this beautiful Gospel narrative, Jesus has demonstrated his inclusion of Zacchaeus not only by inviting himself to dine at his house, but by using the phrase “Son of Abraham,” which tells the crowd explicitly, “This man is one of us.”

    So it seems to me that there are two places we can stand regarding ministry to LGBTQ people and indeed any who feel on the margins. You can stand with the crowd who “grumbles.” Or you can stand with Jesus.
  4. #64
    The key there is there has to be a repentance of the sins committed, rather than a continuation of the sins. God's commands are clear and firm. No one who continues to live in sin and disobey God's commandments, without genuine repentance, will inherit the Kingdom, but will be thrown into the fiery Gehenna, the Second Death, there from which there is no return.
  5. #65
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The key there is there has to be a repentance of the sins committed, rather than a continuation of the sins. God's commands are clear and firm. No one who continues to live in sin and disobey God's commandments, without genuine repentance, will inherit the Kingdom, but will be thrown into the fiery Gehenna, the Second Death, there from which there is no return.

    that's their cross to bear, not mine. Whom will be the first to stand up and tell someone like Blair white who is a based red pilled Trump supporter and also a tranny to give up their entire identity even though they constantly speak out against the harm of pushing harmful ideologies on children and are attacked by the left for doing so.

    well actually it turns out no matter how based you are it's always the duty of naturalists to tell you to embrace having your natural born identity and that anything else is hebrew and not a product of God.
    I don't know where the balance lies but they don't seem to be giving up their identities anytime soon, and then there's the tranny hermit.

    who is gonna tell this 50 year old Hermit to sew HER tits back on and cut that penis off? Most people, it turns out.
  6. #66
    When Satan taunted Jesus, Jesus said, "May Jehovah rebuke you." Notice how he didn't rebuke Satan himself. A lesson to be learned. Only the Creator can rebuke.
  7. #67
    Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Hey Kafka,

    Originally posted by Kafka I think America will be nuked if he wins. A senile narcissist shouldn't have access to them, he will use them at some point so other countries may act first.

    Originally posted by Kafka He would use them without a declaration of war or any notice so it would be necessary to nuke America first.

    Originally posted by Kafka When Trump said he would destroy his oppenents, he doesn't just mean the ones in America. There will be a world war.

    Originally posted by Kafka If the UK is nuked I will die in a tsunami and it will be MAGA's fault.

    ^^^ such ridiculous statements. you just say this kind of rhetoric to “generate” posts for your thread.

    imma need more… lil hunnybunny. My time is valuable! I’ll take a Pass.

    **give some effort- and more engaging banter. Until then… I’ll boost “my” thread.
  8. #68
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  9. #69
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Hey Kafka,

    ^^^ such ridiculous statements. you just say this kind of rhetoric to “generate” posts for your thread.

    imma need more… lil hunnybunny. My time is valuable! I’ll take a Pass.

    **give some effort- and more engaging banter. Until then… I’ll boost “my” thread.

    If a senile narcissist has access to nukes and is dictator, and tried to misuse nukes during his last presidency, and will give no warning before he uses them, and has threatened to destroy his liberal oppenents. Whatever shall a liberal European country do? A country that sees him for the threat he is? They must act first. They know they will be the next target, as Christian extremists are already targeting Europe with misinformation and setting up fake pregnancy crisis centres.
  10. #70
    Kafka sweaty
    If I was leading one of these countries I would be positioning the nukes right now. If Donald is president it will be necessary to nuke America. It may not happen because leaders may not realise it is necessary, but it is necessary.
  11. #71
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka If a senile narcissist has access to nukes and is dictator, and tried to misuse nukes during his last presidency, and will give no warning before he uses them, and has threatened to destroy his liberal oppenents. Whatever shall a liberal European country do? A country that sees him for the threat he is? They must act first. They know they will be the next target, as Christian extremists are already targeting Europe with misinformation and setting up fake pregnancy crisis centres.
    Home of the Irish democrat army, huh?
  12. #72
    Kafka sweaty
    You have to take into account how other countries view Trump. Europe will see America as Russia's ally. There will be a war with Europe.
  13. #73
    Kafka sweaty
  14. #74
    Originally posted by Kafka You have to take into account how other countries view Trump. Europe will see America as Russia's ally. There will be a war with Europe.

  15. #75
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kafka If I was leading one of these countries I would be positioning the nukes right now. If Donald is president it will be necessary to nuke America. It may not happen because leaders may not realise it is necessary, but it is necessary.

    someone gotta do it
  16. #76
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I just got back from the store, I picked up a $206.00 ribeye, came home and cut 14 steaks out of it
  17. #77
    Bradley Florida Man

    volt credit union
  18. #78
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  19. #79
    Originally posted by Kafka If a senile narcissist has access to nukes and is dictator, and tried to misuse nukes during his last presidency, and will give no warning before he uses them, and has threatened to destroy his liberal oppenents. Whatever shall a liberal European country do? A country that sees him for the threat he is? They must act first. They know they will be the next target, as Christian extremists are already targeting Europe with misinformation and setting up fake pregnancy crisis centres.

    Biden is so senile and ancient he might drop dead at any moment. He has nothing at all to lose by pushing the button. He's the one you should be worrying about, the guy who's president, but doesn't even know where he is at any given time.
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