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Mass Shootings

  1. #21
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    pop quiz: what do 100% of mass shooters have in common?

    using a gun, obviously, but also…. being on prescribed anti-psychotic medication.

    this cant be coincidental yet the minitru doesnt acknowledge this fact in their propaganda releases. there are no 'ban psychoactive medication' groups…only a laser-focus on vilifying firearms and the their owners.


    shhh big pharma

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Its true. When I was on mirtazapine I had frequent episodes where I was so messed up I could easily start shooting people one after the other non stop. One of the Columbine shooters was on Zoloft and I think the V tech guy was on something too.

    Now that Trianglism is going sober I am gonna do drugs less frequently and get put back on legal pharmaceuticals like Mirtazapine and Xanax. I will be clean and sober and do legal drugs instead for the year.

    You gotta be pretty depressed and fucked up to snap on these drugs because they generally chill out psychotic behaviors.

    Also 99% of terrorism incidents directly involve the FBI or CIA. Most are just set ups where they lure 18 year olds into fake jihad groups, wire them money and arrest them when they buy a bunch of guns, and the parents are shocked like WTF is the government doing sending money to my kid to buy weapons to kill people.

    ask your doc
  2. #22
    Gridlocke Houston
    Originally posted by ner vegas 1. 'mass shootings' are extremely common outside of schools if you don't exclude 'drug or gang related incidents' like most statistics do

    it's kinda deceptive because most reporting on mass shootings actually do include gang violence that's like the majority of them. so whenever there's a real mass shooting, which most people consider an indiscriminate random attack by a lone gunman on a soft target, cnn or whoever gets on tv and says 'it's only x month and there's already been 8,000,000 mass shootings'. They don't mention 95% of those are gang related or some other kinda nig dispute at a club or something, and also no one even has to die for it to be called a 'mass shooting' I think it's 3 or more injuries in a single event is the criteria.

    So people associate mass shootings in their mind with the kinda event like a school shooting, they don't think that if you just stop gang violence 'mass shootings' would basically evaporate as a statistic.

    But that's not as politically convenient because if they admit that then democrats that run most major cities would actually have to do something about street violence, and they'd have to admit gun laws have almost nothing to do with it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #23
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    big pharma giving anti psychotics to children + Amerishoots = SANDY HOOK WAS A FALSE FLAG ATTACK THEY WERE ALL CRISIS ACTORS!!! ALEX JONES WAS RIGHT!!!!!!
  4. #24
    Bradley Florida Man
    They should make a law making mass shootings illegal to reduce the number of people killed each year by them.
  5. #25
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Bradley They should make a law making mass shootings illegal to reduce the number of people killed each year by them.

    I hate laws!

    and so does the don't step on me word snake!!!!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    Most bodies get turned into Soylent Green and shipped out to food vendors worldwide. The cemeteries you see are mostly just for show, to keep the sheep quiet.
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Bradley the best shooters typically are like speedy parker, old men who don't give a fuck, have a lot of experience and will level a high caliber hand gun at you like Clint Eastwood and pull the trigger twice and make your chest explode

    I know a few.

    last i herd he used a cane,

    a high caliber cane.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina last i herd he used a cane,

    a high caliber cane.

    20 whacks per second (wps), I hear.
  9. #29
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    THe AI says i'm wrong

    It is not accurate or safe to say that the pharmaceutical industry or psychiatric medications are the main cause of mass shootings. Mass violence in the U.S. is driven by a combination of mental health issues, societal conditions, access to firearms, and other contributing factors. Psychiatric medications, while sometimes involved in these cases, are part of a broader and more complex landscape of mental health care and societal challenges. The role of Big Pharma should be scrutinized in terms of its impact on healthcare practices, but it is not the sole explanation for this tragic phenomenon.
  10. #30
    BigPharma murders millions of people every year for profit. The "AI" doesn't know shit.
  11. #31
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Mass shootings in the U.S. aren't caused by guns, which have been a part of American life for centuries, but by the rise of psychiatric medications pushed by Big Pharma. These drugs, especially antidepressants and antipsychotics, alter brain chemistry, driving vulnerable individuals to violent outbursts, while the pharmaceutical industry downplays the dangerous side effects like aggression and suicidal thoughts. The push for gun control is a distraction from the real problem: a population dependent on mind-altering drugs. Instead of restricting gun rights, including access to high-powered weapons like rocket launchers, we should focus on holding Big Pharma accountable and empowering individuals to defend themselves, ensuring more freedom and less medication in society.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32
    Kafka sweaty
    Misanthropy, inability to forget past wrongdoings, a strong desire for justice, poor future outlook, the teenage brain is less able to understand consequences, the allure of being forever young and remembered, suicidal but may as well go out doing what you always wanted to, curiosity about what it feels like, a real belief that the world will be better without your victims, testosterone causes risk-taking behaviour, acceptance of their shadow self.

    I suspect misanthropy, the desire for justice and inability to imagine a future for themselves or another solution are the main ones.
  13. #33
    Kafka sweaty
    Thanks for reminding me I wanted to re-watch Zero Day.
  14. #34
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Daily reminder that mass shootings don't actually exist and are an invention of the media and anti gun lobby to ignore the fact that more people die every year in Chicago from blacks murdering blacks than all mass shootings combined
  15. #35
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Daily reminder that mass shootings don't actually exist and are an invention of the media and anti gun lobby to ignore the fact that more people die every year in Chicago from blacks murdering blacks than all mass shootings combined

    Misdirection works wonders when you are dealing with fools and idiots.
  16. #36
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    *goat laugh*
  17. #37
    Originally posted by shitty titty like why aren’t there more cemeteries when there are so many dead people

    Older cemeteries are abandoned and then the land is reused...finding medieval mass cemeteries for example in Europe is quite common when new construction starts.

    I remember back in Good ol Manchester my bus route to work was changed for 6 months or so because they found an old cemetery during road widening and the uni wanted to do their archaeology crap on it.
  18. #38
    Kafka sweaty
    The hills in Ireland are mass graves. I went to crossbones cemetery in London. It's a small area but there's like 30K people buried there. People build on top of all the old cemeteries.
  19. #39
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    It's all because they took ass boards away from teachers abd gave all you fuckers trophies.
  20. #40

    The one I mentioned was also on Chapel street, so that place is apparently littered with em.
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