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im getting seriously rucked with now

  1. #41
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    how would you feel or like it if you did something tWO partivular cops didnt like and had it out for you and constsntly fined you for made up or random shit be ause they knew what
    you were doing isnt illegal? they jsut fidnt like it or like you?
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Warcry how would you feel or like it if you did something tWO partivular cops didnt like and had it out for you and constsntly fined you for made up or random shit be ause they knew what
    you were doing isnt illegal? they jsut fidnt like it or like you?

    Here in the 1st world you'd file a lawsuit and get a few hundred grand out of it.
  3. #43
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    the thing is they.l just lie and say i mad eit up i should have recorded them but inas going to but figured since i already started talking to them th theyl make stuff up like i said somehting to them ealrier before hititng. ECORUTTON. MY MISTAKCOR DBUTTON. MY EMISTAKE WAS nor clicking it right awya as they ol. to come or approached me.
  4. #44
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    anyway id still have to find ana ctual lawyer to talk to and the thing is if i tell the lawyer SUre i was tlaking to two girls and they did have a beer and told me were lamsot 18 anyway and ive never sene these guys ahrass. jor go up to anyone even younger ppl for this in what they Did to me much less lies and claim i tlwked shit to tH NEver did i wonder if a retard pollakc lawyer would srill take such a lwsuit case sicne the fact was i was drinking with some. hivks a couple months under 18.
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Warcry i should have recorded them

    Duh, if as they say they continue to target you get some of those glasses with the build in spy camera.
  6. #46
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    the thing is how fast do i have to tlak to a lawyer or file a law uit its been severAl days alReady and i qm still going throughd rug withRaeals and barley wake up at 1 pm.
  7. #47
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Duh

  8. #48
    Originally posted by Warcry the thing is how fast do i have to tlak to a lawyer or file a law uit its been severAl days alReady and i qm still going throughd rug withRaeals and barley wake up at 1 pm.

    Um, more than several days...the statute of limitations is more than likely measured in YEARS.
  9. #49
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i should have called their bluff because even though there were thre ebeers udner the bench and they approached lying saying if i csn throw those out only to start tog et out as i grbabed them i mean i said at first those beers were jsut there earlier but i grbsbed Em but how could they prove i bOught them for them and not myself?
  10. #50
    Originally posted by Warcry the guy made a threat saying HELL ASSUALT ME OR MACE ME OR SOME SHIT WNDT WKE ME TO SOME STWITON IF I RECORD.

    ..get the hidden cam things...pen/classes/badge etc.

    Great for upskirting too.
  11. #51
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    The tjhing is there were three beer cans under the seat or- bench but they tricked me said hey excuse me cna you- throw- those away and i grabbed the and ws abou-t to to only get ou-t of their vehicle and start harassing me because they recognized me from- the incident with that redhead polish trash female who sold me out- if u remmeber to- them and pretende dto- cry so they let her go.
  12. #52
    What happened with the red headed polish trash?
  13. #53
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    but how would they even prove i bought all of those and not just one for myself or even any as i first said those were there before before they started to harass me and they alredy had two uless they also sold me out like that pollack trash redhead and said this in the brief encounter i saw they had with them before they left later. I dot even think they knew their ages or cared or even got their names or ids i didnt notice as i talked to- the guy and that bitch went there for a second literally. like the dude claimed for buying below 18 someone- alcohol they'd put me in jail for a few months if I dont sign their fake papers that i insulted authority which i never did. i need to- research this but i seirou-sly dou-bt anyone wo-u-ld put me in jail for moths for even if they cou-ld prove i bou-ght two- 17 almsot 18 yr old;-s one can of beer each.
  14. #54
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    They are not cops those are militia or straż miejska or wannabe cops losers basically doing cops dirty work like giving tickets out to people doing small little shit they have no right to harass me and make fake charges up and threaten me and act like they’re cops.
  15. #55
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    This is what this trash is:
  16. #56
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Not only that they have no right to threaten me with jail if I don’t sign something a stheyr snot even cops to give our anya frisk crimes besides tickets for things they constantly this is the second time they or that guy said something about taking me to the station like I’m supposed to be afraid of some police station or actual cops who know the actual age of consent and other laws and sit. Some shit for them I don’t get it. If I called their bluff didn’t sign it how would they even prove I bought beers for anyone?
  17. #57
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    What would you have done? Do you think those two sold me out and told them hey he bought those for us and they actually checked their ids or let them go to focus on me and just lie to get me to sign shit?
  18. #58
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Plus no one I don’t think k for alcohol gets jailed for months and esp if they’re almost 18. Not sure tho that’s why I signed shit I’m not sure about any of this stuff here.
  19. #59
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I am sos tressed and depressed I don’t even have energy to get up out of my bed much less research thesis stuff or the laws here more than I already did before or tkai to any lawyer.
  20. #60
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    What is crazy about that female is how she smiled how she got off harassing me and she tried to call me Ukrainian the first time I talked to them so I know she’s also racist nationalist and if it wasn’t this in sure she’s harassing people for their ethinicety or immigrant status all the time.
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